tsimakova@biolinux:/opt/vcftools_0.1.12b/perl$ ./vcf-compare -c chr9 /home/tsimakova/examples/2055-3-1_v2.vcf.gz /home/tsimakova/examples/2055-3-2_v2.vcf.gz # This file was generated by vcf-compare. # The command line was: vcf-compare(r953) -c chr9 /home/tsimakova/examples/2055-3-1_v2.vcf.gz /home/tsimakova/examples/2055-3-2_v2.vcf.gz # #VN 'Venn-Diagram Numbers'. Use `grep ^VN | cut -f 2-` to extract this part. #VN The columns are: #VN 1 .. number of sites unique to this particular combination of files #VN 2- .. combination of files and space-separated number, a fraction of sites in the file VN 1 /home/tsimakova/examples/2055-3-1_v2.vcf.gz (100.0%) #SN Summary Numbers. Use `grep ^SN | cut -f 2-` to extract this part. SN Number of REF matches: 0 SN Number of ALT matches: 0 SN Number of REF mismatches: 0 SN Number of ALT mismatches: 0 SN Number of samples in GT comparison: 0 Warning: Read 0 lines from /home/tsimakova/examples/2055-3-2_v2.vcf.gz, the tabix index may be broken.