Bismark report for: BSR2_1.fq.trimmed.single Bowtie was run against the bisulfite genome of /home/bioinformatics2/data/pseudochromosome/chrV2/ZmB73_RefGen_v2/bs_reference_for_bsseeker/ with the specified options: -q --phred64-quals -n 2 -l 28 -k 2 --best --chunkmbs 512 Final Alignment report ====================== Sequences analysed in total: 85306770 Number of alignments with a unique best hit from the different alignments: 36528719 Mapping efficiency: 42.8% Sequences with no alignments under any condition: 3508004 Sequences did not map uniquely: 45270047 Number of sequences with unique best (first) alignment came from the bowtie output: CT/CT: 18240698 ((converted) top strand) CT/GA: 18258593 ((converted) bottom strand) GA/CT: 15200 (complementary to (converted) bottom strand) GA/GA: 14228 (complementary to (converted) top strand) Final Cytosine Methylation Report ================================= Total number of C's analysed: 689827326 Total methylated C's in CpG context: 90252576 Total methylated C's in CHG context: 68512286 Total methylated C's in CHH context: 7434639 Total C to T conversions in CpG context: 34525665 Total C to T conversions in CHG context: 48862435 Total C to T conversions in CHH context: 440239725 C methylated in CpG context: 72.3% C methylated in CHG context: 58.4% C methylated in CHH context: 1.7%