################################ ##ViralFusionSeq setting file ## ################################ #General setting verbose = 0 thread = 4 insertSIZE = NA #Fastq insert size (fragment insert size, i.e. external), either supply integer, or "NA" if you don't know minLEN = 10 #Min length of clipped sequence. Not suggested to change. Default is 10 ################################## ##Modules to be executed; 1 means execute, 0 means skip ################################## ReadPreprocess = 1 #1: to do reads pre-processing ############ SCmethod = 1 #Master switch for CS method ViralSCmapping = 1 analyzeSCfiles = 1 # Mapping part / Analysis part. This is the analysis part switch SCprepparse = 1 SCparse = 1 readlevelAnalysis = 1 AssembleSC = 1 ############ RPmethod = 1 doTargetedAssembly = 1 cleanup = 1 ############################## ##Path to third party tools ## ############################## bwa = /mydir/apps/bwa/bwa-0.7.15/bwa samtools = /mydir/apps/samtools/0.1.19/gcc5.2.0/bin/samtools blast = /mydir/apps/vfs/blast-2.2.26/bin/blastall bedtoolPATH = /mydir/apps/bedtools/bedtools2-2.26.0/bin cap3 = /mydir/apps/CAP3/CAP3/cap3 ssake = /mydir/apps/vfs/ssake/SSAKE ################################## ##Databases: Viral, human fasta files, nt databases, etc ##For viralFa, humanFa and humanDecoy, supply full path to the fasta file ## For ntDB, download all nt related files from (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/). Unix command: wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/nt.*.tar.gz ; Then de-compress all files; Provide full path to "nt". See the example below ################################## viralFa = /mnt/mobydisk/pan/genomics/data/uchandran/Kevin_Joseph/rerun/viralfusion/references/viral/hiv-1.fa #also works as BWA index prefix (make sure fasta file is in same directory in bwa index) humanFa = /mydir/apps/vfs/vfs-2016-08-17.r2/references/human/hg19.fa humanDecoy = /mydir/apps/vfs/vfs-2016-08-17.r2/references/human/hs37d5.fa ntDB = /mydir/apps/vfs/vfs-2016-08-17.r2/annotation/nt/nt #################################### ##Parameters for ReadPreprocessing## #################################### phredQ =NA #Fastq preprocess: Sanger: 33; Solexa v.1.3: 64; Illumina v.1.8: 33; Not sure: NA. Any non 33/64 integer will be rejected, and VFS will detect the correct Phred Quality desiredQ = 10 #Fastq preprocess: dynamic base-call quality cutoff. Not suggested to change emitThreshold = 35 #Fastq preprocess: minimum read length for output, otherwise discard the read-pair. Not suggested to change #################################### ##Keywords for read-level analysis## #################################### #Multiple keyword should be given in SEPARATE line clippedSeqKeywords = Homo clippedSeqKeywords = chr mappedSeqKeywords = hiv mappedSeqKeywords = hiv-1 ######################################################## ##Viral Open reading frames to check for the RP method## ######################################################## #Multiple ORF can be given in SEPARATE line, Format is as follows, orf = , #orf = pol1,1,1623 #orf = pol2,2307,3215 #orf = Lprotein1,2848,3215 #orf = Large_or_Middle_protein,1,835 #orf = Mprotein,3205,3215 #orf = Sprotein,155,835 #orf = Xprotein,1374,1838 #orf = precoreORcore,1814,2452 #orf = Core,1901,2452