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  • EdgeR question

    Hi all,

    I was using EdgeR to perform a DE analysis and following the document

    Essentially edgeR tutorial.pdf.

    I did an exact test on my samples using cmn, tgw and poi.

    de.poi <- exactTest( cds , dispersion = 1e-06 , pair = c( "Control" , "Infected" ) )

    I have also created a toptags table for all three, cmn , tgw and poi.

    > resultsTbl.cmn <- topTags( de.cmn , n = nrow( de.cmn$table ) )$table
    > resultsTbl.tgw <- topTags( de.tgw , n = nrow( de.tgw$table ) )$table
    > resultsTbl.poi <- topTags( de.poi , n = nrow( de.poi$table ) )$table

    Here is my question or rather questions:

    1. My exact test values for cmn and tgw are exactly the same !!!!! I plotted a variance plot and the

    plot for cmn (solid blue line) and tgw ( dots) are exactly on each other (as if superimposed). So I believe I dont have a tagwise dispersion. Anyone has had this experience???

    2. when I try to perform a significance level matching to 0.05 I get nothing !!!

    > de.genes.cmn <- rownames( resultsTbl.cmn )[ resultsTbl.cmn$adj.P.Val <= 0.05 ]
    > de.genes.tgw <- rownames( resultsTbl.tgw )[ resultsTbl.tgw$adj.P.Val <= 0.05 ]
    > de.genes.poi <- rownames( resultsTbl.poi )[ resultsTbl.poi$adj.P.Val <= 0.05 ]
    > head(de.genes.cmn)
    > de.genes.cmn
    ### I do have values in my resultsTbl, see below !!!!! Also you can see how my resultsTbl values for cmn and tgw are exactly the same !! as discussed in Q1.
    > head(resultsTbl.cmn)
    logFC logCPM PValue FDR
    ENSBTAG00000029982 5.80 7.59 5.66e-11 1.30e-08
    ENSBTAG00000036418 7.88 5.63 1.56e-06 1.78e-04
    ENSBTAG00000036410 1.34 16.34 7.29e-06 5.57e-04
    ENSBTAG00000036423 2.29 10.97 7.59e-05 4.34e-03
    ENSBTAG00000029762 1.68 10.61 2.66e-04 1.22e-02
    ENSBTAG00000037319 -1.92 4.41 3.48e-04 1.33e-02
    > de.genes.tgw
    > head(resultsTbl.tgw)
    logFC logCPM PValue FDR
    ENSBTAG00000029982 5.80 7.59 5.66e-11 1.30e-08
    ENSBTAG00000036418 7.88 5.63 1.56e-06 1.78e-04
    ENSBTAG00000036410 1.34 16.34 7.29e-06 5.57e-04
    ENSBTAG00000036423 2.29 10.97 7.59e-05 4.34e-03
    ENSBTAG00000029762 1.68 10.61 2.66e-04 1.22e-02
    ENSBTAG00000037319 -1.92 4.41 3.48e-04 1.33e-02
    > head(resultsTbl.poi)
    logFC logCPM PValue FDR
    ENSBTAG00000036423 1.9671 11.0 0 0
    ENSBTAG00000029957 1.1314 15.6 0 0
    ENSBTAG00000036410 1.1289 16.3 0 0
    ENSBTAG00000029797 0.7093 15.7 0 0
    ENSBTAG00000029897 0.3867 15.5 0 0
    ENSBTAG00000029804 0.0894 18.3 0 0
    Can anyone throw some light on this please?

    Much appreciated,


  • #2
    1. Maybe a typo?
    2. There is no adj.P.Val column in your resultsTbl.cmn


    • #3
      Cross-posted on biostars, where my reply was exactly the same as TiborNagy's (great minds think alike, as they say).


      • #4
        dpryan are correct
        I did post it on BioStars as well. Here is the same reply

        >group <- c(rep("Control", 7), rep("Infected", 8))

        > cds <- DGEList( counts , group = group )

        > cds <- estimateCommonDisp( cds )

        ## To estimate the gene-wise or tagwise dispersions:
        ## 50/(#samples - #groups) for me it will be 50/(15-2)=3.85
        ## None of the tagwise prior.n values work ! Error is unused argument(prior.n). So ran it without any prior.n

        > cds <- estimateTagwiseDisp( cds )

        ## Above the cds called after estimateCommonDisp is the exactly the same as called after tagwise disp. when I gave it as cdst <- estimateTagwiseDisp( cds ) and called cdst it is still the same. The cds is

        >de.cmn <- exactTest( cds , pair = c( "Control" , "Infected" ) )

        > de.tgw <- exactTest( cds , pair = c( "Control" , "Infected" ) )

        #thi sis what edgeR.Tutorial document says = " the codes below gives full tables of the adjusted p-values taking into the FDR into consideration". but the exact test table I have generated as above ha sno adj-pvalue column.
        > resultsTbl.cmn <- topTags( de.cmn , n = nrow( de.cmn$table ) )$table
        > resultsTbl.tgw <- topTags( de.tgw , n = nrow( de.tgw$table ) )$table
        > resultsTbl.poi <- topTags( de.poi , n = nrow( de.poi$table ) )$table

        So as per the suggestion this is what I did:

        > de.genes.cmn <- rownames( resultsTbl.cmn )[ resultsTbl.cmn$FDR <= 0.05 ] # command a

        > de.genes.tgw <- rownames( resultsTbl.tgw )[ resultsTbl.tgw$FDR <= 0.05 ]# command b

        I get 9 genes names whci is exactly the same in both of the above a and b commands.

        When I dont give a FDR cutoff I get just the first gene name but reapeated over 11 times.

        Any suggestions?

        Thanks for the quick reply !



        • #5
          dpryan from BioStars reply

          Sorry dpryan, my posting limit exceeded on BioStars. hence posting on seqanswers. Pertaining to your previous comment on BioStars here is what Idid:
          Yes I checked it again:

          > cds$tagwise.dispersion
          [1] 0.3405 0.1987 0.2989 0.3842 0.2163 0.4643 1.0963 0.1417 0.5641 0.1650 0.6199 0.1217 0.2758 0.2864 0.2829 0.3963 0.6174 0.8162 0.2958 0.9271 0.0795 0.1182 0.5734
          [24] 0.2117 0.3894 0.1424 0.1387 0.2847 0.2087 0.3717 0.1219 0.1863 0.2097 0.1347 0.8008 0.7646 0.4709 0.1363 0.6349 0.2105 0.1794 0.6508 0.6073 0.1820 0.1976 0.3433
          [47] 0.1194 0.2371 0.1393 0.2510 0.3435 0.3500 0.2621 0.1364 0.1260 0.1752 0.4128 0.1982 0.0961 0.5742 0.8530 0.2668 0.1359 0.1633 0.2440 0.9827 0.2126 0.1233 0.2120
          [70] 0.5806 0.2625 0.2943 0.3761 0.7025 0.1424 0.2013 0.5551 0.2082 0.3417 0.3503 0.1326 0.2509 0.3540 0.8389 0.3465 0.0977 0.2410 0.3152 0.1930 0.1794 0.1508 0.1216
          [93] 0.2277 0.2091 0.1532 0.1557 0.4655 0.6894 0.1791 0.1657 0.3632 0.2460 0.4759 0.5413 1.1285 0.1907 0.9906 0.2538 0.4302 0.3361 0.2570 0.6049 1.9337 0.1939 0.6012
          [116] 0.1012 0.3754 0.1280 0.2109 1.1705 0.1423 0.2056 0.1245 0.3114 0.6784 0.4208 0.1177 0.1848 0.3889 0.3704 0.3906 0.1103 0.5318 0.4882 0.0990 0.3076 0.4613 0.1877
          [139] 0.1805 0.3438 0.3041 0.2196 0.4297 1.2599 0.4450 0.1208 0.3876 0.1750 1.2860 0.5807 0.4078 0.1837 0.5938 0.1830 1.1755 0.8721 0.1360 0.1828 0.1683 0.1546 1.1303
          [162] 0.8419 0.2644 0.1508 0.1451 0.1587 0.5744 0.2952 0.5174 0.2671 0.9109 1.1452 0.4556 0.2462 0.5903 0.1165 0.4633 0.3236 0.1999 0.7068 1.0595 0.6913 0.2623 0.4903
          [185] 0.7383 0.3196 0.2542 0.6282 0.1982 0.7881 0.6785 0.2566 0.2859 0.3139 0.4506 0.4187 0.4028 1.6156 1.4601 0.2744 0.3683 0.4396 0.9248 0.2180 0.3605 0.5359 0.8855
          [208] 0.2104 1.4975 1.9078 0.6379 0.1108 0.3028 0.1635 0.2775 0.3327 0.6321 0.2295 1.6538 0.7243 0.2548 0.2582 0.7662 0.7847 0.8835 0.3193 0.8189 0.3797 0.6885
          > cds$common.dispersion
          [1] 0.272

          so it looks like it is around the common dispersion. I dont see any HUGE jump of any sort in the value except for a few whcih are 1.05 1.17 etc which accounts to 11 of them being > 1.1 value.

          However i had also tried doing the code below, but got an error.Hence took off the common.disp=F and reran the same.

          > de.tgw <- exactTest( cdst , common.disp = FALSE , pair = c( "Control" , "Infected" ) )
          Error in exactTest(cds, common.disp = FALSE, pair = c("Control", "Infected")) :
          unused argument (common.disp = FALSE)

          So it does look like it is using the common.disp estimate. Am I worng?



          • #6
            Compare the results of:
            res.cds <- exactTest(cds, dispersion="common")
            res.tgw <- exactTest(cds)
            If they're the same then you know that the dispersion estimate method isn't having a big effect.


            • #7
              Ok. I just checked . They are exactly the same.
              > res.cds <- exactTest(cds, dispersion="common")
              > res.cds
              An object of class "DGEExact"
              logFC logCPM PValue
              ENSBTAG00000029762 1.678 10.61 4.87e-05
              ENSBTAG00000029763 -0.360 12.59 3.57e-01
              ENSBTAG00000029764 0.539 6.88 3.28e-01
              ENSBTAG00000029765 0.394 2.64 4.19e-01
              ENSBTAG00000029768 1.187 11.53 3.31e-03
              224 more rows ...

              [1] "Control" "Infected"


              > res.tgw <- exactTest(cds)
              > res.tgw
              An object of class "DGEExact"
              logFC logCPM PValue
              ENSBTAG00000029762 1.681 10.61 0.000266
              ENSBTAG00000029763 -0.360 12.59 0.281573
              ENSBTAG00000029764 0.533 6.88 0.331116
              ENSBTAG00000029765 0.504 2.64 0.431863
              ENSBTAG00000029768 1.186 11.53 0.000991
              224 more rows ...

              [1] "Control" "Infected"

              if that is the case why di dI get only 8 gene names to be same earlier when I ran the command I have previously uploaded.
              Also does this mean that for my dataset I cannot use classic edgeR method? has this happened to anyone before? I am trying to understand the concepts here , so please bear with me


              • #8
                Note the p-values, they're quite different, as one would expect! Thus, the dispersion has a notable effect, which again one would expect. Now whether this translates to an effect at the adjusted p-value level is another matter...

                By "classic edgeR" I assume you mean exactTest() vs. using the GLM-based methods. With a 2-group design it'd make more sense to just use exactTest().


                • #9
                  Ok thanks very much for all your advice and help ! Appreciate it !


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