I'm having some issues with MAQ running correctly and I'm not sure what the problem is. I'm just starting out, with quite limited knowledge of programming. Basically MAQ compiles without any errors (I do have to use the correction for a 32 bit processor by modifying the makefile and then use make -f Makefile.generic to compile).
I need to apply the patch which converts the new illumina pipeline scores to ones that MAQ knows how to use to I downloaded the maq-ill2sanger.patch file and tried to use the patch with
cd maq-0.7.1; patch -p1 < ../maq-ill2sanger.patch
which does not generate any errors. However, for one thing I'm not sure how the patch works in general, but ill2sanger doesn't come up as a valid command.
Using the following string of commands:
./maq sol2sanger s_7_sequence.txt reads.fastq
./maq fastq2bfq reads.fastq reads.bfq
(then do the same thing to my reference genome but with fasta and bfa)
./maq map in_out.map reference.bfa reads.bfq
./maq pileup reference.bfa in_out.map > in_out.pileup
The pileup file is about 5 gigs bigger than I think it is supposed to be (it is 6 G in total) and it won't open. My computer gives me an error message saying the file cannot be opened. All of the commands go through without any errors, but that doesn't mean much.
I have no idea what could be going wrong, or how to fix this. If anybody has any idea, I would appreciate it very much.
I need to apply the patch which converts the new illumina pipeline scores to ones that MAQ knows how to use to I downloaded the maq-ill2sanger.patch file and tried to use the patch with
cd maq-0.7.1; patch -p1 < ../maq-ill2sanger.patch
which does not generate any errors. However, for one thing I'm not sure how the patch works in general, but ill2sanger doesn't come up as a valid command.
Using the following string of commands:
./maq sol2sanger s_7_sequence.txt reads.fastq
./maq fastq2bfq reads.fastq reads.bfq
(then do the same thing to my reference genome but with fasta and bfa)
./maq map in_out.map reference.bfa reads.bfq
./maq pileup reference.bfa in_out.map > in_out.pileup
The pileup file is about 5 gigs bigger than I think it is supposed to be (it is 6 G in total) and it won't open. My computer gives me an error message saying the file cannot be opened. All of the commands go through without any errors, but that doesn't mean much.
I have no idea what could be going wrong, or how to fix this. If anybody has any idea, I would appreciate it very much.