CNVkit is a software toolkit to infer and visualize copy number from targeted DNA sequencing data. It is designed for use with hybrid capture, including both whole-exome and custom target panels, and short-read sequencing platforms such as Illumina.
This method uses the nonspecifically captured off-target reads to supplement read depth information from on-target regions. With relatively simple normalization steps to make these read depths comparable across the genome, CNVkit can produce copy ratio estimates extremely close to those by array CGH.
Manuscript preprint:
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I've attempted to make CNVkit compatible with other software and easy to integrate into sequencing analysis pipelines. (Currently supported or under development: bcbio-nextgen, Galaxy, THetA2, IGV, BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number, Java TreeView, probably others.) If you would like to see CNVkit play nicely with another existing program, please let me know.
This method uses the nonspecifically captured off-target reads to supplement read depth information from on-target regions. With relatively simple normalization steps to make these read depths comparable across the genome, CNVkit can produce copy ratio estimates extremely close to those by array CGH.
Manuscript preprint:
Source code:
I've attempted to make CNVkit compatible with other software and easy to integrate into sequencing analysis pipelines. (Currently supported or under development: bcbio-nextgen, Galaxy, THetA2, IGV, BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number, Java TreeView, probably others.) If you would like to see CNVkit play nicely with another existing program, please let me know.