I am doing short read alignment using bwa algorithm. I am able to convert the alignment output to .bam file.
Now, I want to see the alignments and how a read maps to the genome. In case of BLAT or other aligners such as bowtie, gives an output which contains information such as "readName, referenceChromosome, tStart, tEnd, qSize, etc ..etc..". I want the output in similar format.
Is there a way/command/software to do that through samtools.
Thanks in advance.
I am doing short read alignment using bwa algorithm. I am able to convert the alignment output to .bam file.
Now, I want to see the alignments and how a read maps to the genome. In case of BLAT or other aligners such as bowtie, gives an output which contains information such as "readName, referenceChromosome, tStart, tEnd, qSize, etc ..etc..". I want the output in similar format.
Is there a way/command/software to do that through samtools.
Thanks in advance.