I am analyzing one PE lane with files ‘s_3_1_sequence.txt’ and ‘s_3_2_sequence.txt’, which I mapped with Bowtie and then used to create s3.rds.
I got the error below when I run runRNAPairedAnalysis.sh
Thanks for the help
/proj/genome/commoncode/rnafarPairs.py: version 3.5
caching ....
dataset s3.rds
bowtie_mapped True
dataType RNA
paired True
rdsVersion 1.1
readsize 34
user J.Dhahbi
7118451 unique reads, 590197 spliced reads and 3588212 multireads
default cache size is 1000000 pages
found index
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/proj/genome/commoncode/rnafarPairs.py", line 78, in <module>
uniqDict = RDS.getReadsDict(fullChrom=True, chrom=achrom, noSense=True, withFlag=True, withPairID=True, doUniqs=True, readIDDict=True)
File "/proj/genome/commoncode/commoncode.py", line 1021, in getReadsDict
(theReadID, pairID) = readID.split('/')
ValueError: unpack list of wrong size
/proj/genome/commoncode/normalizeExpandedExonic.py: version 5.4
human cached
caching ....
I am analyzing one PE lane with files ‘s_3_1_sequence.txt’ and ‘s_3_2_sequence.txt’, which I mapped with Bowtie and then used to create s3.rds.
I got the error below when I run runRNAPairedAnalysis.sh
Thanks for the help
/proj/genome/commoncode/rnafarPairs.py: version 3.5
caching ....
dataset s3.rds
bowtie_mapped True
dataType RNA
paired True
rdsVersion 1.1
readsize 34
user J.Dhahbi
7118451 unique reads, 590197 spliced reads and 3588212 multireads
default cache size is 1000000 pages
found index
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/proj/genome/commoncode/rnafarPairs.py", line 78, in <module>
uniqDict = RDS.getReadsDict(fullChrom=True, chrom=achrom, noSense=True, withFlag=True, withPairID=True, doUniqs=True, readIDDict=True)
File "/proj/genome/commoncode/commoncode.py", line 1021, in getReadsDict
(theReadID, pairID) = readID.split('/')
ValueError: unpack list of wrong size
/proj/genome/commoncode/normalizeExpandedExonic.py: version 5.4
human cached
caching ....