I am trying to run velvet with RNAseq data from Illumina. While it does not say it in the velvet manual (that I saw at least), I have seen on other forums that you are supposed to interleave your fastq files to input into velveth for paired end reads and there is apparently a script associated with velvet called shuffleSequences.pl.
I would like to use this because I think that is part of some troubles I have been having getting velvet to run but I do not see this script in the velvet download tar file:
1) Do I need to use this for paired end sequences for velvet?
2) If yes, then where can I get this script?
Thank you for any help!
I am trying to run velvet with RNAseq data from Illumina. While it does not say it in the velvet manual (that I saw at least), I have seen on other forums that you are supposed to interleave your fastq files to input into velveth for paired end reads and there is apparently a script associated with velvet called shuffleSequences.pl.
I would like to use this because I think that is part of some troubles I have been having getting velvet to run but I do not see this script in the velvet download tar file:
1) Do I need to use this for paired end sequences for velvet?
2) If yes, then where can I get this script?
Thank you for any help!