I am trying to read in my fastq files into STAR for mapping.
My input data is organized as follows:
1. 2 samples
2. 3 replicates in each
3. For each replicate, a number of paired end fastq files
I have tried several methods to input but always get the error that could not open readInFile.
For instance:
Here, R1 and R2 are paired-end reads (separated by space). And Sample 1 has several such paired-end fastq files (i showed here 2 only just to be succint) (separated by ,). Similarly for other samples.
Can anyone please suggest what might be going wrong?
Thanks in advance.
I am trying to read in my fastq files into STAR for mapping.
My input data is organized as follows:
1. 2 samples
2. 3 replicates in each
3. For each replicate, a number of paired end fastq files
I have tried several methods to input but always get the error that could not open readInFile.
For instance:
/home/STAR --genomeDir /media/ --readFilesIn /media/Sample1_R1_001.fastq /media/Sample1_R2_001.fastq,/media/Sample1_R1_002.fastq /media/Sample1_R2_002.fastq --runThreadN 4
/home/STAR --genomeDir /media/ --readFilesIn /media/Sample1_R1_001.fastq Sample1_R2_001.fastq,Sample1_R1_002.fastq Sample1_R2_002.fastq --runThreadN 4
Can anyone please suggest what might be going wrong?
Thanks in advance.