Hi all,
I have been successful in using cufflinks on sam alignments in the past
but am currently faced with a tricky problem. When I use tophat to
generate accepted_hits.sam and use cufflinks on this file, I get the very
uninformative error:
Processing bundle [ 10:12183975-12184040 ] with 1 non-redundant alignments
Processing bundle [ 10:12184440-12184505 ] with 1 non-redundant alignments
Processing bundle [ 10:12184986-12434174 ] with 1816 non-redundant alignments
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
Strangely, when I extract this bundle by searching for all reads that
align between positions 12184986-12434174, and use cufflinks only on this
bundle, the error message disappears. I doubt that it is really a memory
problem because sometimes the same error occurs on tiny bundles.
Do you have any ideas of where this is coming from ?
Thanks in advance !
I have been successful in using cufflinks on sam alignments in the past
but am currently faced with a tricky problem. When I use tophat to
generate accepted_hits.sam and use cufflinks on this file, I get the very
uninformative error:
Processing bundle [ 10:12183975-12184040 ] with 1 non-redundant alignments
Processing bundle [ 10:12184440-12184505 ] with 1 non-redundant alignments
Processing bundle [ 10:12184986-12434174 ] with 1816 non-redundant alignments
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
Strangely, when I extract this bundle by searching for all reads that
align between positions 12184986-12434174, and use cufflinks only on this
bundle, the error message disappears. I doubt that it is really a memory
problem because sometimes the same error occurs on tiny bundles.
Do you have any ideas of where this is coming from ?
Thanks in advance !