Hi all,
Concerning the example of the manual :
in the "Time Course Experiments" paragraph,
ddsTC <- DESeqDataSet(fission, ~ strain + minute + strain:minute)
ddsTC <- DESeq(ddsTC, test="LRT", reduced = ~ strain + minute)
## [1] "Intercept" "strain_mut_vs_wt" "minute_15_vs_0" "minute_30_vs_0"
## [5] "minute_60_vs_0" "minute_120_vs_0" "minute_180_vs_0" "strainmut.minute15"
## [9] "strainmut.minute30" "strainmut.minute60" "strainmut.minute120" "strainmut.minute180"
res30 <- results(ddsTC, name="strainmut.minute30", test="Wald")
## log2 fold change (MLE): strainmut.minute30
## Wald test p-value: strainmut.minute30
## DataFrame with 1 row and 6 columns
## baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
## <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
## SPBC2F12.09c 174.6712 -2.601034 0.6314737 -4.11899 3.805364e-05 0.2572426
When should we use the test="Wald" in the results function?
What are the results I get when I write:
res30 <- results(ddsTC, name="strainmut.minute30")
and what is the difference in the results by adding test="Wald"?
res30 <- results(ddsTC, name="strainmut.minute30", test="Wald")?
Thanks in advance for any ideas
Concerning the example of the manual :
in the "Time Course Experiments" paragraph,
ddsTC <- DESeqDataSet(fission, ~ strain + minute + strain:minute)
ddsTC <- DESeq(ddsTC, test="LRT", reduced = ~ strain + minute)
## [1] "Intercept" "strain_mut_vs_wt" "minute_15_vs_0" "minute_30_vs_0"
## [5] "minute_60_vs_0" "minute_120_vs_0" "minute_180_vs_0" "strainmut.minute15"
## [9] "strainmut.minute30" "strainmut.minute60" "strainmut.minute120" "strainmut.minute180"
res30 <- results(ddsTC, name="strainmut.minute30", test="Wald")
## log2 fold change (MLE): strainmut.minute30
## Wald test p-value: strainmut.minute30
## DataFrame with 1 row and 6 columns
## baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
## <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
## SPBC2F12.09c 174.6712 -2.601034 0.6314737 -4.11899 3.805364e-05 0.2572426
When should we use the test="Wald" in the results function?
What are the results I get when I write:
res30 <- results(ddsTC, name="strainmut.minute30")
and what is the difference in the results by adding test="Wald"?
res30 <- results(ddsTC, name="strainmut.minute30", test="Wald")?
Thanks in advance for any ideas