Hello all!
I'm Cell Biology grad student. My training thus far has been in the wet-lab format so I know very little knowledge in bioinformatics.
I'm about ready to generate samples for NGS and I realize that my lack of experience with analyzing such data has created a hole in my experimental setup. I need advice on a controls that I think I will need to incorporate before I submit my samples and I would like any advice! sooner the better
I am doing a RNA-IP-Seq to identify target RNAs bound to my protein of interest. I would like to be able to identify the target RNAs by the enrichment of x genes from the deep seq data and the enrichment would be relative to my negative controls: a) a sample in which I expect the protein I'm fishing with not to bind target RNAs or RNAs in general b) a sample where my protein of interest should not be present.
In reference to neg. control b: do people have experience seeing reads in this type of sample just from background from non-specific binding by beads? And are these non-specific binding consistent or variable?
In a small-scale experiment with the read-out being qRT-PCR, I could run a Western and normalize between samples based on the amount of protein from the IP. Two Issues with NGS after the IP: a) I'm not sure if I can normalize the coverage/reads to relative protein levels; b) I have to pull RNA from multiple IPs in which there is not a big enough gel to compare all my samples.
I planned out my experiment to be consistent between samples, but I think there should be some kind of readout demonstrating that the enriched RNAs isn't just from more IP beads, more protein, etc. How do you incorporate a control to demonstrate consistency between sample to allows for relative "levels" comparison?
I'm Cell Biology grad student. My training thus far has been in the wet-lab format so I know very little knowledge in bioinformatics.
I'm about ready to generate samples for NGS and I realize that my lack of experience with analyzing such data has created a hole in my experimental setup. I need advice on a controls that I think I will need to incorporate before I submit my samples and I would like any advice! sooner the better

I am doing a RNA-IP-Seq to identify target RNAs bound to my protein of interest. I would like to be able to identify the target RNAs by the enrichment of x genes from the deep seq data and the enrichment would be relative to my negative controls: a) a sample in which I expect the protein I'm fishing with not to bind target RNAs or RNAs in general b) a sample where my protein of interest should not be present.
In reference to neg. control b: do people have experience seeing reads in this type of sample just from background from non-specific binding by beads? And are these non-specific binding consistent or variable?
In a small-scale experiment with the read-out being qRT-PCR, I could run a Western and normalize between samples based on the amount of protein from the IP. Two Issues with NGS after the IP: a) I'm not sure if I can normalize the coverage/reads to relative protein levels; b) I have to pull RNA from multiple IPs in which there is not a big enough gel to compare all my samples.
I planned out my experiment to be consistent between samples, but I think there should be some kind of readout demonstrating that the enriched RNAs isn't just from more IP beads, more protein, etc. How do you incorporate a control to demonstrate consistency between sample to allows for relative "levels" comparison?