Hello everybody,
I kindly need your help again ...
I want to map my reads on the genome using STAR but for some reason I get an error that I don't know how to solve
When I type the command line here is what I get:
EXITING: FATAL INPUT ERROR: unrecoginzed parameter name "readFileIn" in input "Command-Line-Initial"
SOLUTION: use correct parameter name (check the manual)
Feb 19 18:49:56 ...... FATAL ERROR, exiting[/B]
I also tried to process unzipped files and remove the command to execute each single input file --readFileCommand, but still I can't go further,
I have a MacOs terminal,
thank you
I kindly need your help again ...
I want to map my reads on the genome using STAR but for some reason I get an error that I don't know how to solve
When I type the command line here is what I get:
Patrizios-MBP:processing patrizio$ STAR --genomeDir genome/star/ --runThreadN 4 --readFilesIn clipped/SRR359063_1.fastq.zip clipped/ SRR359063_2.fastq.zip --outFileNamePrefix mapping/star/SRR359063. --outSAMattributes All --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --readFileCommand gunzip
SOLUTION: use correct parameter name (check the manual)
Feb 19 18:49:56 ...... FATAL ERROR, exiting[/B]
I also tried to process unzipped files and remove the command to execute each single input file --readFileCommand, but still I can't go further,
I have a MacOs terminal,
thank you