Hi all!
I'm new here (and also in Chip-Seq!) and I would like share some questions with you.
We are preparing Chip-seq libraries for MiSeq, using NEBNext Chip-seq Library Prep Master Mix Set for Ilumina following the protocol with some modifications in the size selection of adaptor ligated DNA using AMPure XP Beads (we found a similar protocol that worked better for our samples , in order to get rid of the adaptor dimers).
After the amplification of the library by PCR, what we find is that the INPUT library has a correct size distribution but the CHIP library is different, having an important part of larger fragments, as you can see in the image I've attached here.
Of course, both come from the same sonicated sample and both have been processed and amplified together, with the same cycle number of amplification...
1. Any idea or explanation for this larger fragments( Maybe it's some issue related with the IP?)
2. Anyone has experience on sequencing this kind of library with those larger framents or knows how it could affect the sequencing process)?
Thanks a lot in advance!

I'm new here (and also in Chip-Seq!) and I would like share some questions with you.
We are preparing Chip-seq libraries for MiSeq, using NEBNext Chip-seq Library Prep Master Mix Set for Ilumina following the protocol with some modifications in the size selection of adaptor ligated DNA using AMPure XP Beads (we found a similar protocol that worked better for our samples , in order to get rid of the adaptor dimers).
After the amplification of the library by PCR, what we find is that the INPUT library has a correct size distribution but the CHIP library is different, having an important part of larger fragments, as you can see in the image I've attached here.
Of course, both come from the same sonicated sample and both have been processed and amplified together, with the same cycle number of amplification...
1. Any idea or explanation for this larger fragments( Maybe it's some issue related with the IP?)
2. Anyone has experience on sequencing this kind of library with those larger framents or knows how it could affect the sequencing process)?
Thanks a lot in advance!
