We're from a company called Imagenix Technologies.
We just want to give everyone a "heads up". We'll be at the NextGen Sequencing conference in San Diego in 2 weeks, doing real-time live demos of the world's fastest alignment system: ISAS
It was not easy to be able to state this confidently, as we found that most alignment software don't like to disclose how fast (or how slow) their alignment is. We are proud of our numbers and display them prominently:
"100 million 25mers in colorspace with 2 substitutions on full human genome (3GB) reference in 30 minutes on ONE computer".
And to be more specific, when Applied biosystems ran our software (which they licensed for their own use) on their Dell it took 36 minutes for 100Million 25mers straight from one of their SOLiD machines, with 2 subs, human 3G ref. When we run it on our computer (dual socket quad core Penryn), it takes 29 minutes. Next week we expect to build a new computer (that one is over a year old - thus obsolete) and hope to reach under 20 minutes for 100 million 25mers in colorspace. We cannot "brag" about 20 minutes yet... until the machine is built and we can start running. Also - longer sequences take longer to align. For example, 88 long with 4 substitutions, Illumina (basespace) data from Illumina machine: 56million plus another 56million "paired end" took 2 hours on our old computer.
So... if you're coming to San Diego, we'll be happy to see you at booth #40, next to the food stand
We encourage you to bring CDs or DVDs with cfasta or fastq files so we can show you on the spot what is fast alignment. Please bring human data, or if you want to do some other species, you'll have to bring the fa files so we can build a referecne database for your species.
Meanwhile.... we encourage your feedback, for example telling everyone how slow your current alignment is
but seriouswly, folks... maybe we can have a productive discussion on this forum ? For example, one university was so frustrated with how slow their alignment was, that they wanted to spend lots of money to build some fancy custom hardware (FPGA, and all that painfully expensive and instantly obsolete stuff), because they never heard of ISAS. So what some might think is selfish promotion on our behalf, other see as helpful info for the entire community.
Cheers !
We're from a company called Imagenix Technologies.
We just want to give everyone a "heads up". We'll be at the NextGen Sequencing conference in San Diego in 2 weeks, doing real-time live demos of the world's fastest alignment system: ISAS
It was not easy to be able to state this confidently, as we found that most alignment software don't like to disclose how fast (or how slow) their alignment is. We are proud of our numbers and display them prominently:
"100 million 25mers in colorspace with 2 substitutions on full human genome (3GB) reference in 30 minutes on ONE computer".
And to be more specific, when Applied biosystems ran our software (which they licensed for their own use) on their Dell it took 36 minutes for 100Million 25mers straight from one of their SOLiD machines, with 2 subs, human 3G ref. When we run it on our computer (dual socket quad core Penryn), it takes 29 minutes. Next week we expect to build a new computer (that one is over a year old - thus obsolete) and hope to reach under 20 minutes for 100 million 25mers in colorspace. We cannot "brag" about 20 minutes yet... until the machine is built and we can start running. Also - longer sequences take longer to align. For example, 88 long with 4 substitutions, Illumina (basespace) data from Illumina machine: 56million plus another 56million "paired end" took 2 hours on our old computer.
So... if you're coming to San Diego, we'll be happy to see you at booth #40, next to the food stand

We encourage you to bring CDs or DVDs with cfasta or fastq files so we can show you on the spot what is fast alignment. Please bring human data, or if you want to do some other species, you'll have to bring the fa files so we can build a referecne database for your species.
Meanwhile.... we encourage your feedback, for example telling everyone how slow your current alignment is

but seriouswly, folks... maybe we can have a productive discussion on this forum ? For example, one university was so frustrated with how slow their alignment was, that they wanted to spend lots of money to build some fancy custom hardware (FPGA, and all that painfully expensive and instantly obsolete stuff), because they never heard of ISAS. So what some might think is selfish promotion on our behalf, other see as helpful info for the entire community.
Cheers !