I am trying to calculate percentage identity for command line BALT output and I am posting the script below. But it is not working right now and the % is always 100%.
Please let me know the problem. or any other way to caluculate %. This is being followed from BLAT FAQ documentation at http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQblat#blat4
The changes I have donw ith respect to the FAQ code are
It would be great if there are any other way of calculating % identity. Thanks in advance.
I am trying to calculate percentage identity for command line BALT output and I am posting the script below. But it is not working right now and the % is always 100%.
Please let me know the problem. or any other way to caluculate %. This is being followed from BLAT FAQ documentation at http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQblat#blat4
while(<>) { chomp $_; my @v = split(/\t/,$_); get_pid($_); } sub get_pid { my @line = @_; my $pid = (100.0 - (&pslCalcMilliBad(@line) * 0.1)); print "The percentage: $pid\n"; #return $pid; } sub pslCalcMilliBad { my @cols = @_; # sizeNul depens of dna/Prot my $sizeMul = 1; #if ($option{p}) { # $sizeMul = 3; #} else { # $sizeMul = 1; #} # cols[0] matches # cols[1] misMatches # cols[2] repMaches # cols[4] qNumInsert # cols[6] tNumInsert # cols[11] qStart # cols[12] qEnd # cols[15] tStart # cols[16] tEnd my $qAliSize = $sizeMul * ($cols[12] - $cols[11]); my $tAliSize = $cols[16] - $cols[15]; # I want the minimum of qAliSize and tAliSize my $aliSize; $qAliSize < $tAliSize ? $aliSize = $qAliSize : $aliSize = $tAliSize; # return 0 is AliSize == 0 return 0 if ($aliSize <= 0); # size diff my $sizeDiff = $qAliSize - $tAliSize; if ($sizeDiff < 0) { $sizeDiff = 0; #if ($option{m}) { #$sizeDiff = 0; #} else { #$sizeDiff = -($sizeDiff); #} } # insert Factor my $insertFactor = $cols[4]; $insertFactor += $cols[6] unless ($option{m}); my $milliBad = (1000 * ($cols[1]*$sizeMul + $insertFactor + &round(3*log( 1 + $sizeDiff)))) / ($sizeMul * ($cols[0] + $cols[2] + $cols[1])); return $milliBad; } sub round { my $number = shift; return int($number + .5); }
1 my $sizeMul = 1; and commented: #if ($option{p}) { # $sizeMul = 3; #} else { # $sizeMul = 1; #} 2 if ($sizeDiff < 0) { $sizeDiff = 0; #if ($option{m}) { #$sizeDiff = 0; #} else { #$sizeDiff = -($sizeDiff); #} }