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  • Mira assembly


    I tried my first assembly with mira and used standard parameters (--job=denovo,genome,normal,454).

    I wonder why my assembly is so short because my longest contig reached only 17 kb.

    Are there possibilities to change thresholds for mira or to improve the length of contigs?

    Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    Do you have the genome of a closely related organism that you could use as a backbone? If so, search for "backbone" in the MIRA3 reference.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Eric Fournier View Post
      Do you have the genome of a closely related organism that you could use as a backbone? If so, search for "backbone" in the MIRA3 reference.
      Hi, I want to use a backbone to do a reference-guided assembly using MIRA3. Can anyone please give me the exact command lines and step by step process to run the assembly.

      I am using iontorrent data and I have a fastq file format.
      My backbone is in fasta format.

      Thank you.


      • #4
        Originally posted by pari_89 View Post
        Hi, I want to use a backbone to do a reference-guided assembly using MIRA3. Can anyone please give me the exact command lines and step by step process to run the assembly.

        I am using iontorrent data and I have a fastq file format.
        My backbone is in fasta format.

        Thank you.
        The MIRA documentation is very good and thorough. Just read the manual.
        Also, use the MIRA help mailing list.


        • #5
          Originally posted by pari_89 View Post
          Can anyone please give me the exact command lines and step by step process to run the assembly.

          I am using iontorrent data and I have a fastq file format.
          My backbone is in fasta format.

          Thank you.
          Even if we were able do that you may want to read the documentation for MIRA3 and decide for yourself what switches you want to use.

          For Ion Torrent data MIRA developers are recommending that one use the development version (v.3.9.10) that you will probably want to install. Here is the section on assembly using Ion Torrent data for the development version.


          • #6
            Thanks for the link. I will try the new version as well but since I am doing some research on the previous version I was wondering if anyone has the exact command lines.

            I just want to map one fastq file to a reference file in fasta format and make it work and then I can go deeper with the switches.

            If anyone has managed to do that with iontorrent data, can you please help me?

            Thank you.

            Kind Regards



            • #7
              using version 3.9, the following "worked" on 454 data

              This was a situation where I had already largely determined the sequence using a denovo assembly, using information also from newbler and phred/phrap/consed

              But here's my mira manifest file.
              project = remap09
              job = genome,mapping,accurate
              parameters = COMMON_SETTINGS -SK:mmhr=2,swcob=yes -HS:mnr=no -MI:lcs=700 -NW:somrnl=0 -GE:not=3,kpmf=10 -AS:urd=no -OUT:ora=yes -SB:sbuip=1 -CL:ascdc=no,pechsgp=no \
                454_SETTINGS -CL:pec=yes,pvlc=no,pvcmla=50,mbc=no,lccf=yes,lccb=yes -DP:ure=no -AL:egp=no -ED:ace=yes
              readgroup = data454
              data = 454full.fastq
              technology = 454
              readgroup = mapgrp
              data = refmap.fastq
              technology = text
              some reads appeared to be in error, resulting in some other reads NOT mapping to the reference, so make sure to re-map/re-assemble your debris.


              • #8
                hi everyone, I am currently using mira for a mapping assembly. My manifest file is like this :
                project = bsb_assembly
                job = genome,mapping,accurate
                parameters = -GE:not=8

                # The second part defines the sequencing data MIRA should load and assemble
                # The data is logically divided into "readgroups": this reflects the
                # ... that read sequences ...

                readgroup = bsb1_in
                data = bsb1_in.iontor.fastq
                technology = iontor

                readgroup = bsb
                data = bsb1_backbone_in.fna

                However, I have the impression that the bsb1_backbone_in.fna is treated like a file containing reads. I want to map the reads in bsb1_in.iontor.fastq to an already annotated gbk or fasta file. I have done this in mira by just naming the fasta file as backbone but in the manifest file, I just want to specify my .fna file is a complete genome in itself.

                Can anyone please help with this?

                Thank you.


                • #9
                  Mira assembly

                  Have you seen this discussionon on the Mira mailing lists?

                  It might help with your problem.


                  • #10
                    hello all,
                    i have bacterial genome of around R1=6194592,R2=6194592 paired reads around 2.5 Gb illumina data i would like to perform mira assembly for my data i cannot abtle run , its giving memory error but i have 48 GB RAM SGE cluster am including my manifest file and my assembly log also , please find it and help me in running mira

                    project = Lyngbya_assembly
                    job = genome,denovo,accurate

                    readgroup = MyPairedEnd151bpLib
                    data = /data/results/STLab/BGAGenomes/Genotypic/WGS/June2014/SO_2511_WGS/Lyngbya/SO_2511_01_R1.fastq /data/results/STLab/BGAGenomes/Genotypic/WGS/June2014/SO_2511_WGS/Lyngbya/SO_2511_01_R2.fastq
                    technology = solexa
                    strain= Lyngyba_assembly
                    template_size = 130 480

                    parameters = COMMON_SETTINGS -NW:somrnl=100 -GE:not=4 -AS:urd=no -HS:mnr

                    Your system seems to be older or have some quirks with locale settings.
                    Using the LC_ALL=C workaround.
                    If you don't want that, fix your system ;-)
                    This is MIRA 3.9.18 ().

                    Please cite: Chevreux, B., Wetter, T. and Suhai, S. (1999), Genome Sequence
                    Assembly Using Trace Signals and Additional Sequence Information.
                    Computer Science and Biology: Proceedings of the German Conference on
                    Bioinformatics (GCB) 99, pp. 45-56.

                    To (un-)subscribe the MIRA mailing lists, see:

                    After subscribing, mail general questions to the MIRA talk mailing list:
                    [email protected]

                    To report bugs or ask for features, please use the new ticketing system at:
                    Download MIRA for free. MIRA - Sequence assembler and sequence mapping for whole genome shotgun and EST / RNASeq sequencing data. Can use Sanger, 454, Illumina and IonTorrent data.

                    This ensures that requests don't get lost.

                    Compiled by: bach
                    Mon Jul 1 21:16:33 CEST 2013
                    On: Linux vk10464 2.6.32-41-generic #94-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 6 18:00:34 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
                    Compiled in boundtracking mode.
                    Compiled in bugtracking mode.
                    Compiled with ENABLE64 activated.
                    Runtime settings (sorry, for debug):
                    Size of size_t : 8
                    Size of uint32 : 4
                    Size of uint32_t: 4
                    Size of uint64 : 8
                    Size of uint64_t: 8
                    Current system: Linux iicb.sequencer.cluster 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jul 15 07:31:24 EDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

                    Looking for files named in data ...Pushing back filename: "/data/results/STLab/BGAGenomes/Genotypic/WGS/June2014/SO_2511_WGS/Lyngbya/SO_2511_01_R1.fastq"
                    Pushing back filename: "/data/results/STLab/BGAGenomes/Genotypic/WGS/June2014/SO_2511_WGS/Lyngbya/SO_2511_01_R2.fastq"
                    projectname: Lyngbya_assembly
                    job: genome,denovo,accurate
                    parameters: COMMON_SETTINGS -NW:somrnl=100 -GE:not=4 -AS:urd=no -HS:mnr
                    Manifest load entries: 1
                    MLE 1:
                    RGID: 1
                    RGN: MyPairedEnd151bpLib SN: Lyngyba_assembly
                    SP: SPio: 0 SPC: 0 IF: 130 IT: 480 TSio: 0
                    ST: 6 (Solexa) namschem: 4 SID: 0
                    DQ: 30
                    BB: 0 Rail: 0 CER: 0

                    /data/results/STLab/BGAGenomes/Genotypic/WGS/June2014/SO_2511_WGS/Lyngbya/SO_2511_01_R1.fastq /data/results/STLab/BGAGenomes/Genotypic/WGS/June2014/SO_2511_WGS/Lyngbya/SO_2511_01_R2.fastq

                    Parameters parsed without error, perfect.

                    -CLec and -CO:emeas1clpec are set, setting -CO:emea values to 1.
                    Parameter settings seen for:
                    Sanger data

                    Used parameter settings:
                    General (-GE):
                    Project name : Lyngbya_assembly
                    Number of threads (not) : 4
                    Automatic memory management (amm) : yes
                    Keep percent memory free (kpmf) : 15
                    Max. process size (mps) : 0
                    EST SNP pipeline step (esps) : 0
                    Colour reads by hash frequency (crhf) : yes

                    Load reads options (-LR):
                    Wants quality file (wqf) : [sxa] yes

                    Filecheck only (fo) : no

                    Assembly options (-AS):
                    Number of passes (nop) : 4
                    Skim each pass (sep) : yes
                    Maximum number of RMB break loops (rbl) : 2
                    Maximum contigs per pass (mcpp) : 0

                    Minimum read length (mrl) : [sxa] 20
                    Minimum reads per contig (mrpc) : [sxa] 10
                    Enforce presence of qualities (epoq) : [sxa] yes

                    Automatic repeat detection (ard) : yes
                    Coverage threshold (ardct) : [sxa] 2.5
                    Minimum length (ardml) : [sxa] 300
                    Grace length (ardgl) : [sxa] 20
                    Use uniform read distribution (urd) : no
                    Start in pass (urdsip) : 3
                    Cutoff multiplier (urdcm) : [sxa] 1.5
                    Keep long repeats separated (klrs) : no

                    Spoiler detection (sd) : yes
                    Last pass only (sdlpo) : yes

                    Use genomic pathfinder (ugpf) : yes

                    Use emergency search stop (uess) : yes
                    ESS partner depth (esspd) : 500
                    Use emergency blacklist (uebl) : yes
                    Use max. contig build time (umcbt) : no
                    Build time in seconds (bts) : 10000

                    Strain and backbone options (-SB):
                    Start backbone usage in pass (sbuip) : 3
                    Force for all (bsnffa) : no
                    Backbone rail from strain (brfs) :
                    Backbone rail length (brl) : 0
                    Backbone rail overlap (bro) : 0
                    Also build new contigs (abnc) : yes

                    Dataprocessing options (-DP):
                    Use read extensions (ure) : [sxa] no
                    Read extension window length (rewl) : [sxa] 30
                    Read extension w. maxerrors (rewme) : [sxa] 2
                    First extension in pass (feip) : [sxa] 0
                    Last extension in pass (leip) : [sxa] 0

                    Clipping options (-CL):
                    SSAHA2 or SMALT clipping:
                    Gap size (msvsgs) : [sxa] 1
                    Max front gap (msvsmfg) : [sxa] 2
                    Max end gap (msvsmeg) : [sxa] 2
                    Strict front clip (msvssfc) : [sxa] 0
                    Strict end clip (msvssec) : [sxa] 0
                    Possible vector leftover clip (pvlc) : [sxa] no
                    maximum len allowed (pvcmla) : [sxa] 18
                    Min qual. threshold for entire read (mqtfer): [sxa] 5
                    Number of bases (mqtfernob) : [sxa] 15
                    Quality clip (qc) : [sxa] no
                    Minimum quality (qcmq) : [sxa] 20
                    Window length (qcwl) : [sxa] 30
                    Bad stretch quality clip (bsqc) : [sxa] no
                    Minimum quality (bsqcmq) : [sxa] 5
                    Window length (bsqcwl) : [sxa] 20
                    Masked bases clip (mbc) : [sxa] no
                    Gap size (mbcgs) : [sxa] 5
                    Max front gap (mbcmfg) : [sxa] 12
                    Max end gap (mbcmeg) : [sxa] 12
                    Lower case clip front (lccf) : [sxa] no
                    Lower case clip back (lccb) : [sxa] no
                    Clip poly A/T at ends (cpat) : [sxa] no
                    Keep poly-a signal (cpkps) : [sxa] no
                    Minimum signal length (cpmsl) : [sxa] 12
                    Max errors allowed (cpmea) : [sxa] 1
                    Max gap from ends (cpmgfe) : [sxa] 9
                    Clip 3 prime polybase (c3pp) : [sxa] yes
                    Minimum signal length (c3ppmsl) : [sxa] 12
                    Max errors allowed (c3ppmea) : [sxa] 2
                    Max gap from ends (c3ppmgfe) : [sxa] 9
                    Clip known adaptors right (ckar) : [sxa] yes
                    Ensure minimum left clip (emlc) : [sxa] no
                    Minimum left clip req. (mlcr) : [sxa] 0
                    Set minimum left clip to (smlc) : [sxa] 0
                    Ensure minimum right clip (emrc) : [sxa] no
                    Minimum right clip req. (mrcr) : [sxa] 10
                    Set minimum right clip to (smrc) : [sxa] 20

                    Apply SKIM chimera detection clip (ascdc) : yes
                    Apply SKIM junk detection clip (asjdc) : no

                    Propose end clips (pec) : [sxa] yes
                    Bases per hash (pecbph) : 31
                    Handle Solexa GGCxG problem (pechsgp) : yes
                    Front freq (pffreq) : [sxa] 0
                    Back freq (pbfreq) : [sxa] 0
                    Minimum kmer for forward-rev (pmkfr) : 1
                    Front forward-rev (pffore) : [sxa] yes
                    Back forward-rev (pbfore) : [sxa] yes
                    Front conf. multi-seq type (pfcmst) : [sxa] yes
                    Back conf. multi-seq type (pbcmst) : [sxa] yes
                    Front seen at low pos (pfsalp) : [sxa] no
                    Back seen at low pos (pbsalp) : [sxa] no

                    Clip bad solexa ends (cbse) : [sxa] yes
                    Search PhiX174 (spx174) : [sxa] yes
                    Filter PhiX174 (fpx174) : [sxa] no

                    Rare kmer mask (rkm) : [sxa] 0

                    Parameters for SKIM algorithm (-SK):
                    Number of threads (not) : 4

                    Also compute reverse complements (acrc) : yes
                    Bases per hash (bph) : 23
                    Hash save stepping (hss) : 1
                    Percent required (pr) : [sxa] 95

                    Max hits per read (mhpr) : 2000
                    Max megahub ratio (mmhr) : 0

                    SW check on backbones (swcob) : no

                    Max hashes in memory (mhim) : 15000000
                    MemCap: hit reduction (mchr) : 4096

                    Parameters for Hash Statistics (-HS):
                    Freq. cov. estim. min (fcem) : 0
                    Freq. estim. min normal (fenn) : 0.4
                    Freq. estim. max normal (fexn) : 1.6
                    Freq. estim. repeat (fer) : 1.9
                    Freq. estim. heavy repeat (fehr) : 8
                    Freq. estim. crazy (fecr) : 20
                    Mask nasty repeats (mnr) : no
                    Nasty repeat ratio (nrr) : 100
                    Nasty repeat coverage (nrc) : 0
                    Lossless digital normalisation (ldn) : no

                    Repeat level in info file (rliif) : 6

                    Pathfinder options (-PF):
                    Use quick rule (uqr) : [sxa] yes
                    Quick rule min len 1 (qrml1) : [sxa] -95
                    Quick rule min sim 1 (qrms1) : [sxa] 100
                    Quick rule min len 2 (qrml2) : [sxa] -85
                    Quick rule min sim 2 (qrms2) : [sxa] 100
                    Backbone quick overlap min len (bqoml) : [sxa] 20
                    Max. start cache fill time (mscft) : 5

                    Align parameters for Smith-Waterman align (-AL):
                    Bandwidth in percent (bip) : [sxa] 20
                    Bandwidth max (bmax) : [sxa] 80
                    Bandwidth min (bmin) : [sxa] 20
                    Minimum score (ms) : [sxa] 15
                    Minimum overlap (mo) : [sxa] 25
                    Minimum relative score in % (mrs) : [sxa] 90
                    Solexa_hack_max_errors (shme) : [sxa] -1
                    Extra gap penalty (egp) : [sxa] no
                    extra gap penalty level (egpl) : [sxa] low
                    Max. egp in percent (megpp) : [sxa] 100

                    Contig parameters (-CO):
                    Name prefix (np) : Lyngbya_assembly
                    Reject on drop in relative alignment score in % (rodirs) : [sxa] 30
                    Mark repeats (mr) : yes
                    Only in result (mroir) : no
                    Assume SNP instead of repeats (asir) : no
                    Minimum reads per group needed for tagging (mrpg) : [sxa] 4
                    Minimum neighbour quality needed for tagging (mnq) : [sxa] 20
                    Minimum Group Quality needed for RMB Tagging (mgqrt) : [sxa] 30
                    End-read Marking Exclusion Area in bases (emea) : [sxa] 1
                    Set to 1 on clipping PEC (emeas1clpec) : yes
                    Also mark gap bases (amgb) : [sxa] yes
                    Also mark gap bases - even multicolumn (amgbemc) : [sxa] yes
                    Also mark gap bases - need both strands (amgbnbs): [sxa] yes
                    Force non-IUPAC consensus per sequencing type (fnicpst) : [sxa] no
                    Merge short reads (msr) : [sxa] yes
                    Max errors (msrme) : [sxa] 0
                    Keep ends unmerged (msrkeu) : [sxa] -1
                    Gap override ratio (gor) : [sxa] 66

                    Edit options (-ED):
                    Automatic contig editing (ace) : [sxa] no
                    Sanger only:
                    Strict editing mode (sem) : no
                    Confirmation threshold in percent (ct) : 50

                    Misc (-MI):
                    Extended log (el) : no
                    Large contig size (lcs) : 500
                    Large contig size for stats(lcs4s) : 5000
                    Extra flag 1 / sanity track check (ef1) : no
                    Extra flag 2 / dnredreadsatpeaks (ef2) : yes

                    Nag and Warn (-NW):
                    Stop on max read name length (somrnl) : 100
                    Stop on NFS (sonfs) : yes
                    Stop on template problems (sote) : yes
                    Stop on duplicate read names (sodrn) : yes

                    Directories (-DI):
                    Working directory :
                    Top directory for writing files : Lyngbya_assembly_assembly
                    For writing result files : Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_results
                    For writing result info files : Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_info
                    For writing tmp files : Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_tmp
                    Tmp redirected to (trt) :
                    For writing checkpoint files : Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_chkpt

                    Output files (-OUTPUT/-OUT):
                    Save simple singlets in project (sssip) : [sxa] no
                    Save tagged singlets in project (stsip) : [sxa] yes

                    Remove rollover tmps (rrot) : yes
                    Remove tmp directory (rtd) : no

                    Result files:
                    Saved as CAF (orc) : yes
                    Saved as MAF (orm) : yes
                    Saved as FASTA (orf) : yes
                    Saved as GAP4 (directed assembly) (org) : no
                    Saved as phrap ACE (ora) : no
                    Saved as GFF3 (org3) : no
                    Saved as HTML (orh) : no
                    Saved as Transposed Contig Summary (ors) : yes
                    Saved as simple text format (ort) : no
                    Saved as wiggle (orw) : yes

                    Temporary result files:
                    Saved as CAF (otc) : yes
                    Saved as MAF (otm) : no
                    Saved as FASTA (otf) : no
                    Saved as GAP4 (directed assembly) (otg) : no
                    Saved as phrap ACE (ota) : no
                    Saved as HTML (oth) : no
                    Saved as Transposed Contig Summary (ots) : no
                    Saved as simple text format (ott) : no

                    Extended temporary result files:
                    Saved as CAF (oetc) : no
                    Saved as FASTA (oetf) : no
                    Saved as GAP4 (directed assembly) (oetg) : no
                    Saved as phrap ACE (oeta) : no
                    Saved as HTML (oeth) : no
                    Save also singlets (oetas) : no

                    Alignment output customisation:
                    TEXT characters per line (tcpl) : 60
                    HTML characters per line (hcpl) : 60
                    TEXT end gap fill character (tegfc) :
                    HTML end gap fill character (hegfc) :

                    File / directory output names:
                    CAF : Lyngbya_assembly_out.caf
                    MAF : Lyngbya_assembly_out.maf
                    FASTA : Lyngbya_assembly_out.unpadded.fasta
                    FASTA quality : Lyngbya_assembly_out.unpadded.fasta.qual
                    FASTA (padded) : Lyngbya_assembly_out.padded.fasta
                    FASTA qual.(pad): Lyngbya_assembly_out.padded.fasta.qual
                    GAP4 (directory): Lyngbya_assembly_out.gap4da
                    ACE : Lyngbya_assembly_out.ace
                    HTML : Lyngbya_assembly_out.html
                    Simple text : Lyngbya_assembly_out.txt
                    TCS overview : Lyngbya_assembly_out.tcs
                    Wiggle : Lyngbya_assembly_out.wig
                    Deleting old directory Lyngbya_assembly_assembly ... done.
                    Creating directory Lyngbya_assembly_assembly ... done.
                    Creating directory Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_tmp ... done.
                    Creating directory Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_results ... done.
                    Creating directory Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_info ... done.
                    Creating directory Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_chkpt ... done.

                    Tmp directory is not on a NFS mount, good.

                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:25:53 2014

                    Loading reads from /data/results/STLab/BGAGenomes/Genotypic/WGS/June2014/SO_2511_WGS/Lyngbya/SO_2511_01_R1.fastq type fastq
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:25:53 2014
                    Loading data from FASTQ file: /data/results/STLab/BGAGenomes/Genotypic/WGS/June2014/SO_2511_WGS/Lyngbya/SO_2511_01_R1.fastq
                    (sorry, no progress indicator for that, possible only with zlib >=1.34)

                    Loaded 6194592 reads, Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:26:16 2014
                    Looking at FASTQ type ... guessing FASTQ-33 (Sanger)
                    Running quality values adaptation ... done.
                    Loading reads from /data/results/STLab/BGAGenomes/Genotypic/WGS/June2014/SO_2511_WGS/Lyngbya/SO_2511_01_R2.fastq type fastq
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:26:16 2014
                    Loading data from FASTQ file: /data/results/STLab/BGAGenomes/Genotypic/WGS/June2014/SO_2511_WGS/Lyngbya/SO_2511_01_R2.fastq
                    (sorry, no progress indicator for that, possible only with zlib >=1.34)

                    Loaded 6194592 reads, Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:26:45 2014
                    Looking at FASTQ type ... guessing FASTQ-33 (Sanger)
                    Running quality values adaptation ... done.
                    Checking reads for trace data (loading qualities if needed):
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
                    No SCF data present in any read, automatic contig editing for Sanger data is now switched off.
                    12389184 reads with valid data for assembly.
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:27:05 2014

                    Generated 6194592 unique DNA template ids for 12389184 valid reads.
                    TODO: Like Readpool: strain x has y reads
                    Have read pool with 12389184 reads.

                    Pool statistics:
                    Backbones: 0 Backbone rails: 0

                    Sanger 454 IonTor PcBioHQ PcBioLQ Text Solexa SOLiD
                    Total reads 0 0 0 0 0 0 12389184 0
                    Reads wo qual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
                    Used reads 0 0 0 0 0 0 12389184 0
                    Avg tot rlen 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 0
                    Avg rlen used 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 0
                    W/o clips 0 0 0 0 0 0 12389184 0

                    Solexa total bases: 1251307584 used bases in used reads: 1251307584

                    Post-load clips:
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:27:18 2014
                    Writing temporary hstat files:
                    freemem: 3763204096
                    TNH: 5356
                    XME 1: 0.000212828
                    XME 2: 0.1
                    NEPB 1: 104857
                    NEPB 2: 104857
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] done
                    Flushing buffers to disk:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] done
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:27:18 2014

                    Analysing hstat files:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:27:18 2014
                    clean up temporary stat files...Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:27:18 2014
                    Raw MHI: 5356
                    Raw avg. freq. : 1
                    HSS 10712 HSST: 9641
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:27:19 2014
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
                    CLIP MSG: Adaptor right found: 13573

                    Pool statistics:
                    Backbones: 0 Backbone rails: 0

                    Sanger 454 IonTor PcBioHQ PcBioLQ Text Solexa SOLiD
                    Total reads 0 0 0 0 0 0 12389184 0
                    Reads wo qual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
                    Used reads 0 0 0 0 0 0 12212029 0
                    Avg tot rlen 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 0
                    Avg rlen used 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0
                    W/o clips 0 0 0 0 0 0 12100705 0

                    Solexa total bases: 1251307584 used bases in used reads: 1230091545

                    Sorting reads ... done.

                    Tmp directory is not on a NFS mount, good.

                    Hash analysis for proposed cutbacks:Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:29:15 2014
                    Writing temporary hstat files:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] done
                    Flushing buffers to disk:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] done
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:36:53 2014

                    Analysing hstat files:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:48:35 2014
                    clean up temporary stat files...Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:48:39 2014
                    Raw MHI: 107325367
                    Raw avg. freq. : 23
                    HSS 124081212 HSST: 111673091
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:49:22 2014
                    Hash statistics:
                    Measured avg. raw frequency coverage: 23
                    Corrected avg. raw frequency coverage: 23

                    Final average frequency: 23

                    Deduced thresholds:
                    Min normal cov: 9.2
                    Max normal cov: 36.8
                    Repeat cov: 43.7
                    Heavy cov: 184
                    Crazy cov: 460
                    Mask cov: 2300

                    Repeat ratio histogram:
                    0 100384124
                    1 11313264
                    2 3779244
                    3 6879888
                    4 1475190
                    5 167688
                    6 30710
                    7 8152
                    8 5432
                    9 5032
                    10 2372
                    11 1870
                    12 3394
                    13 3566
                    14 2840
                    15 1868
                    16 1376
                    17 1428
                    18 1248
                    19 1340
                    20 1134
                    21 824
                    22 870
                    23 664
                    24 510
                    25 670
                    26 496
                    27 380
                    28 552
                    29 284
                    30 222
                    31 136
                    32 150
                    33 94
                    34 70
                    35 166
                    36 106
                    37 104
                    38 150
                    39 184
                    40 298
                    41 214
                    42 238
                    43 204
                    44 220
                    45 240
                    46 300
                    47 342
                    48 398
                    49 260
                    50 206
                    51 104
                    52 72
                    53 22
                    55 4
                    58 2
                    59 2
                    62 2
                    73 2
                    75 4
                    79 8
                    87 8
                    88 14
                    89 4
                    95 12
                    96 10
                    108 20
                    109 6
                    110 12
                    111 6
                    112 4
                    113 4
                    114 8
                    115 4
                    116 4
                    117 8
                    118 16
                    119 36
                    120 14
                    121 16
                    122 2
                    124 4
                    125 4
                    126 2
                    129 18
                    130 4
                    131 4
                    133 6
                    138 6
                    141 6
                    142 10
                    143 4
                    270 2

                    Assigning statistics values:
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:49:24 2014
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:50:47 2014
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:50:47 2014

                    Looking for proposed cutbacks ... done.
                    Performed clips:
                    Num reads cliped left: 2185335
                    Num reads cliped right: 2402388
                    Num reads completely killed: 638052
                    Total bases clipped : 154095906

                    Clipping dubious poly-base stretches at end of reads ... Hash analysis for proposed cutbacks:Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:51:13 2014
                    Writing temporary hstat files:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] done
                    Flushing buffers to disk:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] done
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 20:55:32 2014

                    Analysing hstat files:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:00:20 2014
                    clean up temporary stat files...Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:00:23 2014
                    Raw MHI: 85401561
                    Raw avg. freq. : 26
                    HSS 100435998 HSST: 90392399
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:00:58 2014
                    Hash statistics:
                    Measured avg. raw frequency coverage: 26
                    Corrected avg. raw frequency coverage: 26

                    Final average frequency: 26

                    Deduced thresholds:
                    Min normal cov: 10.4
                    Max normal cov: 41.6
                    Repeat cov: 49.4
                    Heavy cov: 208
                    Crazy cov: 520
                    Mask cov: 2600

                    Repeat ratio histogram:
                    0 78240102
                    1 10337462
                    2 5783444
                    3 5392626
                    4 564662
                    5 62264
                    6 12048
                    7 6152
                    8 5500
                    9 2442
                    10 2424
                    11 4360
                    12 3378
                    13 2436
                    14 1654
                    15 1566
                    16 1392
                    17 1528
                    18 1132
                    19 914
                    20 928
                    21 522
                    22 768
                    23 546
                    24 454
                    25 562
                    26 296
                    27 180
                    28 138
                    29 154
                    30 76
                    31 178
                    32 112
                    33 124
                    34 198
                    35 290
                    36 246
                    37 280
                    38 240
                    39 262
                    40 260
                    41 378
                    42 398
                    43 372
                    44 258
                    45 136
                    46 72
                    47 22
                    48 2
                    49 2
                    51 4
                    52 2
                    55 2
                    65 2
                    66 2
                    67 2
                    78 2
                    104 2
                    105 4
                    106 2
                    115 6
                    116 2
                    122 6
                    125 8
                    126 12

                    Assigning statistics values:
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:00:59 2014
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:02:08 2014
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:02:08 2014

                    Looking for proposed cutbacks ... done.
                    Performed clips:
                    Num reads cliped left: 740473
                    Num reads cliped right: 39143
                    Num reads completely killed: 31807
                    Total bases clipped : 1784892

                    Clipping dubious poly-base stretches at end of reads ...
                    Pool statistics:
                    Backbones: 0 Backbone rails: 0

                    Sanger 454 IonTor PcBioHQ PcBioLQ Text Solexa SOLiD
                    Total reads 0 0 0 0 0 0 12389184 0
                    Reads wo qual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
                    Used reads 0 0 0 0 0 0 11542477 0
                    Avg tot rlen 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 0
                    Avg rlen used 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 0
                    W/o clips 0 0 0 0 0 0 8188788 0

                    Solexa total bases: 1251307584 used bases in used reads: 1073962601

                    Performing snapshot 1
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:02:25 2014
                    Creating directory Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_chkpt ... done.
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:04:03 2014
                    Dump from /proc/self/status
                    Name: mira
                    State: R (running)
                    SleepAVG: 1%
                    Tgid: 1389
                    Pid: 1389
                    PPid: 27991
                    TracerPid: 0
                    Uid: 506 506 506 506
                    Gid: 507 507 507 507
                    FDSize: 256
                    Groups: 100 507
                    VmPeak: 16095472 kB
                    VmSize: 16085228 kB
                    VmLck: 0 kB
                    VmHWM: 15777456 kB
                    VmRSS: 15776836 kB
                    VmData: 16024460 kB
                    VmStk: 92 kB
                    VmExe: 5524 kB
                    VmLib: 0 kB
                    VmPTE: 30892 kB
                    StaBrk: 05c62000 kB
                    Brk: 3d5eda000 kB
                    StaStk: 7fff0bf4c580 kB
                    Threads: 1
                    SigQ: 0/399360
                    SigPnd: 0000000000000000
                    ShdPnd: 0000000000000000
                    SigBlk: 0000000000000000
                    SigIgn: 0000000000000000
                    SigCgt: 0000000180000000
                    CapInh: 0000000000000000
                    CapPrm: 0000000000000000
                    CapEff: 0000000000000000
                    Cpus_allowed: 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,ffffffff
                    Mems_allowed: 00000000,00000003

                    Pass: 1 / 4

                    Pool statistics:
                    Backbones: 0 Backbone rails: 0

                    Sanger 454 IonTor PcBioHQ PcBioLQ Text Solexa SOLiD
                    Total reads 0 0 0 0 0 0 12389184 0
                    Reads wo qual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
                    Used reads 0 0 0 0 0 0 11542477 0
                    Avg tot rlen 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 0
                    Avg rlen used 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 0
                    W/o clips 0 0 0 0 0 0 8188788 0

                    Solexa total bases: 1251307584 used bases in used reads: 1073962601

                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:04:05 2014
                    Writing temporary hstat files:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] done
                    Flushing buffers to disk:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] done
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:09:01 2014

                    Analysing hstat files:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:14:51 2014
                    clean up temporary stat files...Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:14:53 2014
                    Raw MHI: 89468313
                    Raw avg. freq. : 29
                    HSS 105062606 HSST: 94556346
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:15:29 2014
                    Hash statistics:
                    Measured avg. raw frequency coverage: 29
                    Corrected avg. raw frequency coverage: 29

                    Final average frequency: 29

                    Deduced thresholds:
                    Min normal cov: 11.6
                    Max normal cov: 46.4
                    Repeat cov: 55.1
                    Heavy cov: 232
                    Crazy cov: 580
                    Mask cov: 2900

                    Repeat ratio histogram:
                    0 83234768
                    1 9932086
                    2 5646412
                    3 5550576
                    4 570654
                    5 66956
                    6 13976
                    7 7024
                    8 6344
                    9 2608
                    10 2510
                    11 4462
                    12 3778
                    13 2798
                    14 1772
                    15 1558
                    16 1452
                    17 1478
                    18 1200
                    19 892
                    20 1038
                    21 616
                    22 648
                    23 654
                    24 524
                    25 582
                    26 350
                    27 264
                    28 178
                    29 170
                    30 72
                    31 106
                    32 164
                    33 158
                    34 130
                    35 232
                    36 306
                    37 276
                    38 214
                    39 232
                    40 330
                    41 250
                    42 352
                    43 610
                    44 304
                    45 202
                    46 114
                    47 34
                    48 6
                    49 2
                    50 6
                    51 6
                    52 8
                    54 12
                    57 2
                    58 6
                    59 2
                    60 2
                    61 2
                    62 4
                    70 4
                    71 4
                    72 2
                    73 6
                    74 2
                    77 2
                    78 4
                    80 4
                    82 2
                    83 2
                    88 4
                    94 2
                    95 4
                    96 4
                    99 4
                    107 2
                    108 6
                    110 4
                    112 2
                    114 8
                    115 20
                    116 12
                    117 2
                    119 2
                    173 2
                    175 8
                    182 2
                    399 2
                    427 2
                    428 2
                    429 2
                    431 4
                    434 2

                    Assigning statistics values:
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:15:31 2014
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:16:48 2014
                    Buntifying reads (this may take a while) ... done.
                    Writing read repeat info to: Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_info/Lyngbya_assembly_info_readrepeats.lst ... 104931 sequences with 121107 masked stretches.
                    AS_resumeasembly 0
                    AS_resumeisok 0
                    fileExists(Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_tmp/Lyngbya_assembly_signal_findpossibleoverlaps_pass.1.ok) 0
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:17:15 2014

                    Searching for possible overlaps:
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 21:17:15 2014
                    Now running threaded and partitioned skimmer with 72 partitions in 4 threads:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%] done.

                    truncating Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_tmp/Lyngbya_assembly_int_posmatchf_pass.1.bin
                    truncated Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_tmp/Lyngbya_assembly_int_posmatchf_pass.1.bin from 6846123792 to 3810756072

                    truncating Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_tmp/Lyngbya_assembly_int_posmatchc_pass.1.bin
                    truncated Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_tmp/Lyngbya_assembly_int_posmatchc_pass.1.bin from 6608385024 to 3759936288

                    Hits chosen: 630891030

                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:27:16 2014

                    Total megahubs: 0
                    Cutting back possible chimeras ... done.
                    Chimeras were searched for ... looking for hits to purge.
                    truncating Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_tmp/Lyngbya_assembly_int_posmatchf_pass.1.bin from 3810756072 to 3807957744
                    truncating Lyngbya_assembly_assembly/Lyngbya_assembly_d_tmp/Lyngbya_assembly_int_posmatchc_pass.1.bin from 3759936288 to 3756337608
                    System memory: 50634444800
                    Mem2keepfree: 7595166720
                    Used by MIRA: 16477573120
                    Mem avail: 26561704960
                    rsh increased memtouse to: 26561704960
                    Edge vector capacity: 563719322
                    Can load up to 563714322 skim edges at once.
                    Partitioning into 2 blocks.
                    Blocks: 10360511 12389184
                    We have 630357946 skims in file.
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:27:40 2014
                    De-normalising SKIM hits ... (this will take a while)
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:28:33 2014
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:31:09 2014
                    Writing normalised skimblock 0 ( 16.0 GiB) ... done.
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:33:12 2014
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:33:35 2014
                    Writing normalised skimblock 10360511 ( 2.8 GiB) ... done.
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:33:40 2014
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:35:19 2014
                    Step 0
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:39:50 2014
                    Only short reads
                    Step 10
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Total skims taken: 8237053
                    Step 20
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Total skims taken: 248116023
                    Step 30
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Total skims taken: 248116023
                    Step 40
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Total skims taken: 248116023
                    Step 50
                    Total skims taken: 248116023
                    Step 53
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Total skims taken: 279525419
                    Step 55
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Total skims taken: 280994331
                    Step 56
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Total skims taken: 281057837
                    Step 60
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Total skims taken: 281192824
                    Step solexa by critlevel
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Taken 10934421 hits.
                    Step template overlaps
                    Loading block 0
                    Loading 536870783 elements at offset 0
                    Loaded 536870783 elements
                    Loading block 1
                    Loading 93487163 elements at offset 17179865056
                    Loaded 93487163 elements
                    Step NAO
                    None needed.
                    Total skims taken: 292192873

                    Filtering forward skims.
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:57:16 2014
                    Writing reduced skim file:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
                    Filtering complement skims.
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:58:15 2014
                    Writing reduced skim file:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
                    Done all filtering.
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:59:21 2014
                    Making alignments.
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 22:59:27 2014

                    Aligning possible forward matches:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
                    Alignment stats:
                    Potential: 147051125
                    Calculated: 53074
                    Evaded (PB): 0
                    Rejected (checkfun): 0
                    Trans 100 saved: 146998051

                    Banned overlap pairs: 4127 in 2698 sets.

                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 23:07:19 2014

                    Aligning possible complement matches:
                    [0%] ....|.... [10%] ....|.... [20%] ....|.... [30%] ....|.... [40%] ....|.... [50%] ....|.... [60%] ....|.... [70%] ....|.... [80%] ....|.... [90%] ....|.... [100%]
                    Alignment stats:
                    Potential: 145141748
                    Calculated: 64936
                    Evaded (PB): 3
                    Rejected (checkfun): 0
                    Trans 100 saved: 145076809

                    Banned overlap pairs: 9109 in 5303 sets.

                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 23:15:21 2014

                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 23:15:21 2014
                    Counting number of alignments in file ... done.
                    Expecting 292183761 alignments.
                    Localtime: Wed Jul 23 23:16:43 2014
                    Loading confirmed 292183761 overlaps from disk (will need approximately 16.3 GiB RAM):
                    Ouch, out of memory detected.

                    ========================== Memory self assessment ==============================
                    Running in 64 bit mode.

                    Dump from /proc/meminfo
                    MemTotal: 49447700 kB
                    MemFree: 139612 kB
                    Buffers: 1944 kB
                    Cached: 5967852 kB
                    SwapCached: 2588 kB
                    Active: 21693588 kB
                    Inactive: 27337208 kB
                    HighTotal: 0 kB
                    HighFree: 0 kB
                    LowTotal: 49447700 kB
                    LowFree: 139612 kB
                    SwapTotal: 24579440 kB
                    SwapFree: 0 kB
                    Dirty: 3788 kB
                    Writeback: 0 kB
                    AnonPages: 43061204 kB
                    Mapped: 11812 kB
                    Slab: 62944 kB
                    PageTables: 156208 kB
                    NFS_Unstable: 0 kB
                    Bounce: 0 kB
                    CommitLimit: 49303288 kB
                    Committed_AS: 69014976 kB
                    VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB
                    VmallocUsed: 276092 kB
                    VmallocChunk: 34359460459 kB
                    HugePages_Total: 0
                    HugePages_Free: 0
                    HugePages_Rsvd: 0
                    Hugepagesize: 2048 kB

                    Dump from /proc/self/status
                    Name: mira
                    State: R (running)
                    SleepAVG: 78%
                    Tgid: 1389
                    Pid: 1389
                    PPid: 27991
                    TracerPid: 0
                    Uid: 506 506 506 506
                    Gid: 507 507 507 507
                    FDSize: 256
                    Groups: 100 507
                    VmPeak: 33724836 kB
                    VmSize: 33724828 kB
                    VmLck: 0 kB
                    VmHWM: 33544264 kB
                    VmRSS: 33543852 kB
                    VmData: 33664060 kB
                    VmStk: 92 kB
                    VmExe: 5524 kB
                    VmLib: 0 kB
                    VmPTE: 65584 kB
                    StaBrk: 05c62000 kB
                    Brk: 80a904000 kB
                    StaStk: 7fff0bf4c580 kB
                    Threads: 1
                    SigQ: 0/399360
                    SigPnd: 0000000000000000
                    ShdPnd: 0000000000000000
                    SigBlk: 0000000000000000
                    SigIgn: 0000000000000000
                    SigCgt: 0000000180000000
                    CapInh: 0000000000000000
                    CapPrm: 0000000000000000
                    CapEff: 0000000000000000
                    Cpus_allowed: 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,ffffffff
                    Mems_allowed: 00000000,00000003

                    Information on current assembly object:

                    AS_readpool: 12389184 reads.
                    AS_contigs: 0 contigs.
                    AS_bbcontigs: 0 contigs.
                    Mem used for reads: 184 (184 B)

                    Memory used in assembly structures:
                    Eff. Size Free cap. LostByAlign
                    AS_writtenskimhitsperid: 12389184 47 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_skim_edges: 0 16.8 GiB 16.8 GiB 0 B
                    AS_adsfacts: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_confirmed_edges: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_permanent_overlap_bans: 1 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_readhitmiss: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_readhmcovered: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_count_rhm: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_clipleft: 12389184 47 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_clipright: 12389184 47 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_used_ids: 12389184 12 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_multicopies: 12389184 12 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_hasmcoverlaps: 0 12 MiB 12 MiB 0 B
                    AS_maxcoveragereached: 12389184 47 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_coverageperseqtype: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_istroublemaker: 12389184 12 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_isdebris: 12389184 12 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_needalloverlaps: 12389184 12 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_readsforrepeatresolve: 0 40 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_allrmbsok: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_probablermbsnotok: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_weakrmbsnotok: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_readmaytakeskim: 0 40 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_skimstaken: 0 40 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_numskimoverlaps: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_numleftextendskims: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_rightextendskims: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_skimleftextendratio: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_skimrightextendratio: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_usedtmpfiles: 25 816 B 0 B 0 B
                    Total: 18311582096 (17.1 GiB)


                    ========================== Memory self assessment ==============================
                    Running in 64 bit mode.

                    Dump from /proc/meminfo
                    MemTotal: 49447700 kB
                    MemFree: 139004 kB
                    Buffers: 1976 kB
                    Cached: 5969012 kB
                    SwapCached: 2588 kB
                    Active: 21693604 kB
                    Inactive: 27338232 kB
                    HighTotal: 0 kB
                    HighFree: 0 kB
                    LowTotal: 49447700 kB
                    LowFree: 139004 kB
                    SwapTotal: 24579440 kB
                    SwapFree: 0 kB
                    Dirty: 3788 kB
                    Writeback: 0 kB
                    AnonPages: 43061204 kB
                    Mapped: 11872 kB
                    Slab: 62900 kB
                    PageTables: 156208 kB
                    NFS_Unstable: 0 kB
                    Bounce: 0 kB
                    CommitLimit: 49303288 kB
                    Committed_AS: 69014976 kB
                    VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB
                    VmallocUsed: 276092 kB
                    VmallocChunk: 34359460459 kB
                    HugePages_Total: 0
                    HugePages_Free: 0
                    HugePages_Rsvd: 0
                    Hugepagesize: 2048 kB

                    Dump from /proc/self/status
                    Name: mira
                    State: R (running)
                    SleepAVG: 73%
                    Tgid: 1389
                    Pid: 1389
                    PPid: 27991
                    TracerPid: 0
                    Uid: 506 506 506 506
                    Gid: 507 507 507 507
                    FDSize: 256
                    Groups: 100 507
                    VmPeak: 33724836 kB
                    VmSize: 33724828 kB
                    VmLck: 0 kB
                    VmHWM: 33544264 kB
                    VmRSS: 33543924 kB
                    VmData: 33664060 kB
                    VmStk: 92 kB
                    VmExe: 5524 kB
                    VmLib: 0 kB
                    VmPTE: 65584 kB
                    StaBrk: 05c62000 kB
                    Brk: 80a904000 kB
                    StaStk: 7fff0bf4c580 kB
                    Threads: 1
                    SigQ: 0/399360
                    SigPnd: 0000000000000000
                    ShdPnd: 0000000000000000
                    SigBlk: 0000000000000000
                    SigIgn: 0000000000000000
                    SigCgt: 0000000180000000
                    CapInh: 0000000000000000
                    CapPrm: 0000000000000000
                    CapEff: 0000000000000000
                    Cpus_allowed: 00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,ffffffff
                    Mems_allowed: 00000000,00000003

                    Information on current assembly object:

                    AS_readpool: 12389184 reads.
                    AS_contigs: 0 contigs.
                    AS_bbcontigs: 0 contigs.
                    Mem used for reads: 184 (184 B)

                    Memory used in assembly structures:
                    Eff. Size Free cap. LostByAlign
                    AS_writtenskimhitsperid: 12389184 47 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_skim_edges: 0 16.8 GiB 16.8 GiB 0 B
                    AS_adsfacts: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_confirmed_edges: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_permanent_overlap_bans: 1 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_readhitmiss: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_readhmcovered: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_count_rhm: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_clipleft: 12389184 47 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_clipright: 12389184 47 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_used_ids: 12389184 12 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_multicopies: 12389184 12 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_hasmcoverlaps: 0 12 MiB 12 MiB 0 B
                    AS_maxcoveragereached: 12389184 47 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_coverageperseqtype: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_istroublemaker: 12389184 12 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_isdebris: 12389184 12 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_needalloverlaps: 12389184 12 MiB 0 B 0 B
                    AS_readsforrepeatresolve: 0 40 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_allrmbsok: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_probablermbsnotok: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_weakrmbsnotok: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_readmaytakeskim: 0 40 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_skimstaken: 0 40 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_numskimoverlaps: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_numleftextendskims: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_rightextendskims: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_skimleftextendratio: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_skimrightextendratio: 0 24 B 0 B 0 B
                    AS_usedtmpfiles: 25 816 B 0 B 0 B
                    Total: 18311582096 (17.1 GiB)

                    Dynamic allocs: 4
                    Align allocs: 4
                    Out of memory detected, exception message is: std::bad_alloc

                    If you have questions on why this happened, please send the last 1000
                    lines of the output log (or better: the complete file) to the author
                    together with a short summary of your assembly project.

                    For general help, you will probably get a quicker response on the
                    MIRA talk mailing list
                    than if you mailed the author directly.

                    To report bugs or ask for features, please use the new ticketing system at:
                    Download MIRA for free. MIRA - Sequence assembler and sequence mapping for whole genome shotgun and EST / RNASeq sequencing data. Can use Sanger, 454, Illumina and IonTorrent data.

                    This ensures that requests don't get lost.


                    • #11
                      You may have 48GB of RAM but are you able to use all of it? Are there any system wide limits enforced by your system administrators that are coming into play? Can you check the output of command below and make sure that it does not have limits on memory usage?

                      $ limit


                      • #12
                        My feeling is that something else -- another program -- on the system is using your memory to the point where there is basically no memory left. You have 48 GB of ram and the maximum that Mira took up is 34GB with the current data structures around 20GB.

                        BTW: While we appreciate your faith in SeqAnswers answering your question, Bastian (mis-spelled) Chevreax is very good at answering questions. As the bottom of the output says:

                        If you have questions on why this happened, please send the last 1000
                        lines of the output log (or better: the complete file) to the author
                        together with a short summary of your assembly project
                        Send your output to him and he'll be able to give a definitive answer.


                        • #13

                          I would like to denovo assembly of Ion torrent data. I am trying to use Mira., It ask for manifest file. May i have create the manifest file, if yes please let me know how to develop manifest file. 'coz its missing in mira folder.


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