Dear all,
unexpectedly, I am getting the following error when trying to run bfast postprocess (alignment of 95 bp Illumina paired-end reads):
I do not know what to make of this error - I ran a lot of analysis with the same reference sequence (in the same folder).
Suggestions are very much appreciated.
thanks and cheers,
unexpectedly, I am getting the following error when trying to run bfast postprocess (alignment of 95 bp Illumina paired-end reads):
bfast+bwa-0.6.4e/bin/bfast postprocess -i t_8.baf -f hg19_indices/hg19.fa -a 3 -z -A 0 -R -O 1 -n 4 -U > t_8_alternative.sam ************************************************************ Checking input parameters supplied by the user ... Validating fastaFileName /projects/bg/genomed/data/hg19_indices_ucsc/hg19.fa. Validating alignFileName t_8.baf. Input arguments look good! ************************************************************ ************************************************************ Printing Program Parameters: programMode: [ExecuteProgram] fastaFileName: /projects/bg/genomed/data/hg19_indices_ucsc/hg19.fa alignFileName: t_8.baf algorithm: [Best Score] space: [NT Space] unpaired: [Using] reversePaired: [Not Using] avgMismatchQuality: 10 scoringMatrixFileName: [Not Using] randomBest: [Not Using] minMappingQuality: -2147483648 minNormalizedScore: -2147483648 pairingStandardDeviation: 2.000000 gappedPairingRescue [Not Using] numThreads: 4 queueLength: 50000 outputFormat: [SAM] outputID: [Not Using] RGFileName: [Not Using] timing: [Not Using] ************************************************************ ************************************************************ Reading in reference genome from /projects/bg/genomed/data/hg19_indices_ucsc/hg19.fa.nt.brg. In total read 93 contigs for a total of 3137161264 bases ************************************************************ Postprocessing... ************************************************************ In function "AlignedEntryGetAlignment": Fatal Error[OutOfRange]. Message: Could not get reference sequence. ***** Exiting due to errors ***** ************************************************************
Suggestions are very much appreciated.
thanks and cheers,