I have been using Newbler (runAssembly) with no problems on one server and all the files and the binary are in fact stored on an NFS.
I am now trying to run it on a second server, also attached to the same NFS (so all the files/binary are the same), however I get this error:
$ runAssembly -o Newbler data11.sff
Error: Unable to create project directory: Newbler
Could not use a project lock file.
Error in runAssembly: Error while creating the assembly project.
Usage: runAssembly [-o projdir] [-nrm] [-p (sfffile | [regionlist:]analysisDir)]... (sfffile | [regionlist:]analysisDir)...
I presume it is having some permissions issue, but my username does have write permission, and before the error arrives it does in fact create the 'Newbler' directory. Does it try to write this "project lock file" somewhere else? Does anybody know where this lock file lives? or know what causes this error specifically?
I have been using Newbler (runAssembly) with no problems on one server and all the files and the binary are in fact stored on an NFS.
I am now trying to run it on a second server, also attached to the same NFS (so all the files/binary are the same), however I get this error:
$ runAssembly -o Newbler data11.sff
Error: Unable to create project directory: Newbler
Could not use a project lock file.
Error in runAssembly: Error while creating the assembly project.
Usage: runAssembly [-o projdir] [-nrm] [-p (sfffile | [regionlist:]analysisDir)]... (sfffile | [regionlist:]analysisDir)...
I presume it is having some permissions issue, but my username does have write permission, and before the error arrives it does in fact create the 'Newbler' directory. Does it try to write this "project lock file" somewhere else? Does anybody know where this lock file lives? or know what causes this error specifically?