I'd like to perform a 'Local realignment around indels' on bam file uisng GATK. However I'm still unclear about the vcf file with the known indels that I should provide. I'd say that the 'dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf' file included in the bundle should do as it seems to include indel data. Also, should I filter out non-indels form that file in order to speed up the realignment?
I'd be grate if someone could comment on this.
I'd like to perform a 'Local realignment around indels' on bam file uisng GATK. However I'm still unclear about the vcf file with the known indels that I should provide. I'd say that the 'dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf' file included in the bundle should do as it seems to include indel data. Also, should I filter out non-indels form that file in order to speed up the realignment?
I'd be grate if someone could comment on this.