I am running breakdancer for my samples and I get some results that I don't understand.
For example I get these:
1. scaffold_4 1084242 29+0- scaffold_4 13700966 1+16- DEL 12616730 77 11 /scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam|11 1.992.
2. scaffold_4 5580548 60+0- scaffold_4 11167464 0+23- DEL 5586874 99 23 /scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam|23 1.88
3. scaffold_4 6439582 8+0- scaffold_4 10304779 0+8- DEL 3864989 93 8 /scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam|8 1.81
4. scaffold_4 13059872 40+1- scaffold_4 14799329 0+38- DEL 1694903 99 39 /scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam|39 1.35
5. scaffold_4 17963169 23+9- scaffold_4 19018791 17+47- DEL 1055818 99 23 /scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam|23 2.16
In the first result I get a deletion of 12616730, that is the half of the scaffold_4. I know, by seing with IGV and Savant Genome Browser the concret bam (/scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam), that this "deletion" is full of coverage and there are no such deletions, I guess I am misunderstanding something about the output because the score is quite high.
It happens the same for the others, for example in the result 4 we have an score of 99 and 39 reads supporting this,
I am quite new in this field, so anyone could help me?
I am running breakdancer for my samples and I get some results that I don't understand.
For example I get these:
1. scaffold_4 1084242 29+0- scaffold_4 13700966 1+16- DEL 12616730 77 11 /scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam|11 1.992.
2. scaffold_4 5580548 60+0- scaffold_4 11167464 0+23- DEL 5586874 99 23 /scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam|23 1.88
3. scaffold_4 6439582 8+0- scaffold_4 10304779 0+8- DEL 3864989 93 8 /scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam|8 1.81
4. scaffold_4 13059872 40+1- scaffold_4 14799329 0+38- DEL 1694903 99 39 /scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam|39 1.35
5. scaffold_4 17963169 23+9- scaffold_4 19018791 17+47- DEL 1055818 99 23 /scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam|23 2.16
In the first result I get a deletion of 12616730, that is the half of the scaffold_4. I know, by seing with IGV and Savant Genome Browser the concret bam (/scratch/ralonso/ivia_130/ivia_130_mapped_singlehit_sorted.bam), that this "deletion" is full of coverage and there are no such deletions, I guess I am misunderstanding something about the output because the score is quite high.
It happens the same for the others, for example in the result 4 we have an score of 99 and 39 reads supporting this,
I am quite new in this field, so anyone could help me?