Dear All
I am new to snp analysis and am recently working on GATK pipeline to identify snps on the whole genome data.
I went through the stage I raw data processing protocol recommended by GATK pipeline and generated an aligned, duplicate marked, and recalibrated BAM file for one of my samples.
I tried to run the Unified genotyper with the following code (for both snps and indels)
The code has been running for more than 20 hours yet has not completed. The in put bam file (reads.recal.bam) is only 11GB but as I checked the size of output vcf file, it already reached 60GB.
I just want to ask whether this is normal to take such a long time to run Unified genotyper and generates an excessively large vcf file?
Can anyone with experiences tell me: what is the size of your output vcf file when you work on the whole human genome? And how long does it take to run Unified genotyper usually?
Thanks a lot
I am new to snp analysis and am recently working on GATK pipeline to identify snps on the whole genome data.
I went through the stage I raw data processing protocol recommended by GATK pipeline and generated an aligned, duplicate marked, and recalibrated BAM file for one of my samples.
I tried to run the Unified genotyper with the following code (for both snps and indels)
java -Xmx4g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-l INFO \
-R /media/edrive/RNAseq/ucsc.hg19.fasta \
-T UnifiedGenotyper \
-I /media/edrive/RNAseq/LID46437/bwa/reads.recal.bam \
-o /media/edrive/RNAseq/LID46437/bwa/output.vcf \
--genotype_likelihoods_model BOTH \
-l INFO \
-R /media/edrive/RNAseq/ucsc.hg19.fasta \
-T UnifiedGenotyper \
-I /media/edrive/RNAseq/LID46437/bwa/reads.recal.bam \
-o /media/edrive/RNAseq/LID46437/bwa/output.vcf \
--genotype_likelihoods_model BOTH \
I just want to ask whether this is normal to take such a long time to run Unified genotyper and generates an excessively large vcf file?
Can anyone with experiences tell me: what is the size of your output vcf file when you work on the whole human genome? And how long does it take to run Unified genotyper usually?
Thanks a lot