I would like anyone who has had experience working with the .bam alignment files from the 1000 genomes site to help me out with this situation. I have been trying for long to get a complete FASTA sequence of the sample DNA from the .bam files for a given genomic region. I had used the samtools view, sort, index as well as pile up commands to get a pile up file and eventually extracted the consensus DNA sequence from the fourth column of the pile up file, creating the FASTA file.
The problem I am having with this approach, is that the raw DNA sequence seem to be obviously shorter in each case than the DNA sequence from the reference genome, and for different samples I get different DNA sequence length. I do not know if the issue is because of the low coverage sequence approach of the 1000 genomes site, or if I am doing something wrong.
Thanks and will appreciate any guidance.
I would like anyone who has had experience working with the .bam alignment files from the 1000 genomes site to help me out with this situation. I have been trying for long to get a complete FASTA sequence of the sample DNA from the .bam files for a given genomic region. I had used the samtools view, sort, index as well as pile up commands to get a pile up file and eventually extracted the consensus DNA sequence from the fourth column of the pile up file, creating the FASTA file.
The problem I am having with this approach, is that the raw DNA sequence seem to be obviously shorter in each case than the DNA sequence from the reference genome, and for different samples I get different DNA sequence length. I do not know if the issue is because of the low coverage sequence approach of the 1000 genomes site, or if I am doing something wrong.
Thanks and will appreciate any guidance.