Hi, just met the situation, and not sure if it is normal.
We used 100bp pair-end and HiSeq generated ~90 million reads. However, when using bwa to map the reads onto the human reference genome, it has taken one whole day, and only ~9 million reads been mapped with bwa sampe command, which was also piped with samtools view to convert sam to bam.
I checked the log files, and everything seemed normal, and it kept reporting the progress and also the issize.... but it seemed way too slow, and I have no idea about it... is it normal?
any advice will be highly appreciated. Thanks!
We used 100bp pair-end and HiSeq generated ~90 million reads. However, when using bwa to map the reads onto the human reference genome, it has taken one whole day, and only ~9 million reads been mapped with bwa sampe command, which was also piped with samtools view to convert sam to bam.
I checked the log files, and everything seemed normal, and it kept reporting the progress and also the issize.... but it seemed way too slow, and I have no idea about it... is it normal?
any advice will be highly appreciated. Thanks!