When analyzing a diploid genome, GATK genotyper complains about multiple alleles found in a region, the message is shown below,...
"WARN 13:57:25,771 ExactAFCalculationModel - this tool is currently set to genotype at most 3 alternate alleles in a given context, but the context at chr1:19203155 has 4 alternate alleles so only the top alleles will be used; see the --max_alternate_alleles argument"
As it is an diploid genome, how come 4 different alleles could be found? a bit confused here.
Thanks a lot for your kind advice on this
"WARN 13:57:25,771 ExactAFCalculationModel - this tool is currently set to genotype at most 3 alternate alleles in a given context, but the context at chr1:19203155 has 4 alternate alleles so only the top alleles will be used; see the --max_alternate_alleles argument"
As it is an diploid genome, how come 4 different alleles could be found? a bit confused here.
Thanks a lot for your kind advice on this