I am using TopHat v. 1.0.9 to analyse 36bp Illumina reads. The out put files .sam .wig and .bed have been generated successfully. I then try to view the SAM format results using the samtools and encounter probs. The pileup will not work.
samtools pileup -cf ref.fa accepted_hits.sam > pileup.txt generates the following error:
[bam_pileup] fail to read the header: non-exisiting file or wrong format.
even though the SAM format looks correct. The tview tool just generates a blank window when I try to view the BAM file I generated from the SAM file using samtools view command.
Anyone any ideas why the SAM format output is not recognised? Thanks for your help.
samtools pileup -cf ref.fa accepted_hits.sam > pileup.txt generates the following error:
[bam_pileup] fail to read the header: non-exisiting file or wrong format.
even though the SAM format looks correct. The tview tool just generates a blank window when I try to view the BAM file I generated from the SAM file using samtools view command.
Anyone any ideas why the SAM format output is not recognised? Thanks for your help.