Dear all,
I use HTseq with paired end data and would like to calculate the pourcentage of reads that do fall into an annotated genes. To do this I thought to add all count inside genes + no_feature + ambigous + too_low_qual + not aligned + not_unique. THe problem is that I thought this number should be equal to the number of reads inside my original BAM/SAM file, but this is not the case. Can someone explain me how to get these numbers?
Here are the details from HTseq:
no_feature 6084302
ambiguous 1921332
too_low_aQual 0
not_aligned 0
alignment_not_unique 9401567
inside genes (sum of counts): 74046502
Total= 91453703
Number of alignment in my SAM file (paired end)= 160754220
I use HTseq with paired end data and would like to calculate the pourcentage of reads that do fall into an annotated genes. To do this I thought to add all count inside genes + no_feature + ambigous + too_low_qual + not aligned + not_unique. THe problem is that I thought this number should be equal to the number of reads inside my original BAM/SAM file, but this is not the case. Can someone explain me how to get these numbers?
Here are the details from HTseq:
no_feature 6084302
ambiguous 1921332
too_low_aQual 0
not_aligned 0
alignment_not_unique 9401567
inside genes (sum of counts): 74046502
Total= 91453703
Number of alignment in my SAM file (paired end)= 160754220