I have just used the latest cufflinks 2.0.0 to run my previous data, as I want to detect if large differences occur. And I did find some very confuse results. For the significant differential expressed isoforms, the number of cufflinks 1.3.0 is 11380, but the number from cufflinks 2.0.0 reduced to 2371. And for the significant differential expressed genes is the same situation, 2692 vs 1353, respectively. Many genes or transcripts showed significant change in previous version, but now changed from "yes" to "no". As my data has no replicates, first I thought this may due to the option --min-reps-for-js-test, but even I changed the default 3 to 1, the results is same. I don't know if for publication, the results from which version I can use due to the large difference? Did anyone meet this kind of situation?