Hi all,
I have been given the task of assembling three bacterial genomes.
Each have been sequenced with 454 with a read length around 250nt. But also with Solexa mate-pair (2.5kb space - 35nt reads) because the initial assembly of the 454 data gave too many contigs (using the Newbler assembler resulting in a couple of thousand contigs per genome - these being GC rich).
Which assembly software would be appropriate? And are there any recommendations on how to proceed with assembly having two types of data?
I have been given the task of assembling three bacterial genomes.
Each have been sequenced with 454 with a read length around 250nt. But also with Solexa mate-pair (2.5kb space - 35nt reads) because the initial assembly of the 454 data gave too many contigs (using the Newbler assembler resulting in a couple of thousand contigs per genome - these being GC rich).
Which assembly software would be appropriate? And are there any recommendations on how to proceed with assembly having two types of data?