I am trying to use Soap de novo, however I keep getting a Floating point Exception error. Currently my .config file looks like such:
and I am executing the program as such:
The program is running through, since all the output file are created however, most of them are blank. The information printed to STD OUT looks like such:
Version 1.05: released on July 29th, 2010
pregraph -s soapATGTCA.config -K 63 -d -o SOAPATGTCA
In soapATGTCA.config, 1 libs, max seq len 101, max name len 256
8 thread created
time spent on hash reads: 0s, 0 reads processed
[LIB] 0, avg_ins 0, reverse 0
0 nodes allocated, 0 kmer in reads, 0 kmer processed
0 kmer removed
time spent on delowcvgNode 0s
0 linear nodes
time spent on marking linear nodes 0s
time spent on pre-graph construction: 1s
deLowKmer 1, deLowEdge 0
Start to remove tips which don't contribute the most links
kmer set 0 done
kmer set 1 done
kmer set 2 done
kmer set 3 done
kmer set 4 done
kmer set 5 done
kmer set 6 done
kmer set 7 done
0 tips off
8 thread created
0 linear nodes
time spent on cutTipe: 0s
0 (0) edges 0 extra nodes
time spent on making edges: 0s
In file: soapATGTCA.config, max seq len 101, max name len 256
8 thread created
0 reads processed
time 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
0 markers outputed
done mapping reads, 0 reads deleted, 0 arcs created
[LIB] 0, avg_ins 0, reverse 0
time spent on mapping reads: 0s
0 vertex outputed
overall time for lightgraph: 0m
contig -g SOAPATGTCA -M 1
there're 0 kmers in vertex file
there're 0 edge in edge file
done sort
input 0 edges
0 pre-arcs loaded
start to pinch bubbles, cutoff 0.100000, MAX NODE NUM 3, MAX DIFF 2
0 startingPoints, 0 dheap nodes
0 pairs found, 0 pairs of paths compared, 0 pairs merged
sequenc compare failure: 0 0 0 0
DFibHeap: 0 Nodes allocated
a linear concatenation lap, 0 concatenated
0 edges in graph
time spent on bubblePinch: 0s
0 weak inner edges destroyed
0 dead arcs removed
Remove low coverage(1): 0 inner edges destroyed
0 dead arcs removed
a linear concatenation lap, 0 concatenated
0 edges in graph
there're 0 edges
after compacting 0 edges left
strict 0, cutLen 126
a cutTipsInGraph lap, 0 tips cut
0 dead arcs removed
a linear concatenation lap, 0 concatenated
0 edges in graph
there're 0 edges
after compacting 0 edges left
0 contigs longer than 64 output
time elapsed: 0m
map -s soapATGTCA.config -g SOAPATGTCA
K = 63
contig len cutoff: 65
there're 0 contigs in file: SOAPATGTCA, max seq len 10, min seq len 0, max name len 10
time spent on parse contigs file 0s
8 thread created
time spent on hash reads: 0s
0 nodes allocated, 0 kmer in reads, 0 kmer processed
time spent on De bruijn graph construction: 0s
time spent on mapping long reads: 0s
In file: soapATGTCA.config, max seq len 101, max name len 256
8 thread created
0 edges in graph
0 out of 0 (nan)% reads mapped to contigs
no paired reads found
[LIB] 0, avg_ins 0, reverse 0
time spent on mapping reads: 1s
overall time for alignment: 0m
there're 0 grads, 0 reads, max read len 101
K = 63
there're 0 edge in edge file
average contig coverage is 0, 0 contig masked
Mask contigs shorter than 65, 0 contig masked
0 arcs loaded
input 0 contigs
done loading updated edges
So It looks like that although its able to open the fasta file, it isn't reading it or using information from it. If there is any help anyone can offer so that I can get this working I would be very appreciative. Thank you.
#average insert size
#if sequence needs to be reversed
#use for contig building only
#in which order the reads are used while scaffolding
#fastq files
#average insert size
#if sequence needs to be reversed
#use for contig building only
#in which order the reads are used while scaffolding
#fastq files
and I am executing the program as such:
/usr/local/soapdenovo/latest/bin/SOAPdenovo-63mer all -s soapATGTCA.config -K 63 -d 2 -o SOAPATGTCA
The program is running through, since all the output file are created however, most of them are blank. The information printed to STD OUT looks like such:
Version 1.05: released on July 29th, 2010
pregraph -s soapATGTCA.config -K 63 -d -o SOAPATGTCA
In soapATGTCA.config, 1 libs, max seq len 101, max name len 256
8 thread created
time spent on hash reads: 0s, 0 reads processed
[LIB] 0, avg_ins 0, reverse 0
0 nodes allocated, 0 kmer in reads, 0 kmer processed
0 kmer removed
time spent on delowcvgNode 0s
0 linear nodes
time spent on marking linear nodes 0s
time spent on pre-graph construction: 1s
deLowKmer 1, deLowEdge 0
Start to remove tips which don't contribute the most links
kmer set 0 done
kmer set 1 done
kmer set 2 done
kmer set 3 done
kmer set 4 done
kmer set 5 done
kmer set 6 done
kmer set 7 done
0 tips off
8 thread created
0 linear nodes
time spent on cutTipe: 0s
0 (0) edges 0 extra nodes
time spent on making edges: 0s
In file: soapATGTCA.config, max seq len 101, max name len 256
8 thread created
0 reads processed
time 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
0 markers outputed
done mapping reads, 0 reads deleted, 0 arcs created
[LIB] 0, avg_ins 0, reverse 0
time spent on mapping reads: 0s
0 vertex outputed
overall time for lightgraph: 0m
contig -g SOAPATGTCA -M 1
there're 0 kmers in vertex file
there're 0 edge in edge file
done sort
input 0 edges
0 pre-arcs loaded
start to pinch bubbles, cutoff 0.100000, MAX NODE NUM 3, MAX DIFF 2
0 startingPoints, 0 dheap nodes
0 pairs found, 0 pairs of paths compared, 0 pairs merged
sequenc compare failure: 0 0 0 0
DFibHeap: 0 Nodes allocated
a linear concatenation lap, 0 concatenated
0 edges in graph
time spent on bubblePinch: 0s
0 weak inner edges destroyed
0 dead arcs removed
Remove low coverage(1): 0 inner edges destroyed
0 dead arcs removed
a linear concatenation lap, 0 concatenated
0 edges in graph
there're 0 edges
after compacting 0 edges left
strict 0, cutLen 126
a cutTipsInGraph lap, 0 tips cut
0 dead arcs removed
a linear concatenation lap, 0 concatenated
0 edges in graph
there're 0 edges
after compacting 0 edges left
0 contigs longer than 64 output
time elapsed: 0m
map -s soapATGTCA.config -g SOAPATGTCA
K = 63
contig len cutoff: 65
there're 0 contigs in file: SOAPATGTCA, max seq len 10, min seq len 0, max name len 10
time spent on parse contigs file 0s
8 thread created
time spent on hash reads: 0s
0 nodes allocated, 0 kmer in reads, 0 kmer processed
time spent on De bruijn graph construction: 0s
time spent on mapping long reads: 0s
In file: soapATGTCA.config, max seq len 101, max name len 256
8 thread created
0 edges in graph
0 out of 0 (nan)% reads mapped to contigs
no paired reads found
[LIB] 0, avg_ins 0, reverse 0
time spent on mapping reads: 1s
overall time for alignment: 0m
there're 0 grads, 0 reads, max read len 101
K = 63
there're 0 edge in edge file
average contig coverage is 0, 0 contig masked
Mask contigs shorter than 65, 0 contig masked
0 arcs loaded
input 0 contigs
done loading updated edges
So It looks like that although its able to open the fasta file, it isn't reading it or using information from it. If there is any help anyone can offer so that I can get this working I would be very appreciative. Thank you.