I am testing MuTect for a few days. I wanted to create this topic to gather our experience together and discuss results, choice of parameters...
For me, the first difficulty was to get the bam usable by MuTect.
The second difficulty is to find a correct file for the --intervals parameter. I generated a .bed file from the UCSC table on the advise of shyam_la, because I couldn't run MuTect with --intervals chr1:1500-2500; chr2:2500-3500 or by providing this information in a txt file... Has one of you experienced this issue?
Then, the problem is, as always, the choice of parameters. To me, one inconvenient is that we don't know what are the parameters by default...
At first, I ran Mutect this way:
When I keep the "KEEP" and "COVERED" variants, I still have 11500 variants (when using a bed file of exons+50bp as --intervals parameter). I have such results:
I don't know why it appears as variant...
Then, I added the parameters:
Now, when I keep the "KEEP" and "COVERED" variants, I have 890 (instead of 11500) variants left. That's better but I still have "non significant" variant. Here we see the importance of the parameters 
About the parameters:
The --clipping_bias_pvalue_threshold parameter fixes a threshold for the FET. That's a pity that the p-value is not provided because it is important to adjust it; I will have to perform the FET by myself in order to be able to adjust the test...
I haven't found a parameter for filtering on the coverage. I don't want to keep variants with less than 10 reads in one of the 2 samples. Of course, I can do it by myself, but it could be implemented... Maybe I haven't found it in the parameters' list.
I would like to ask the users of Mutect to share their experience and tell us which parameters they used. There is a list of 40/50 parameters and I would appreciate feedbacks on some of them
Thank you,
I am testing MuTect for a few days. I wanted to create this topic to gather our experience together and discuss results, choice of parameters...
For me, the first difficulty was to get the bam usable by MuTect.
The second difficulty is to find a correct file for the --intervals parameter. I generated a .bed file from the UCSC table on the advise of shyam_la, because I couldn't run MuTect with --intervals chr1:1500-2500; chr2:2500-3500 or by providing this information in a txt file... Has one of you experienced this issue?
Then, the problem is, as always, the choice of parameters. To me, one inconvenient is that we don't know what are the parameters by default...
At first, I ran Mutect this way:
java -Xmx10g -jar muTect-1.0.27783.jar --analysis_type MuTect --reference_sequence ~/fasta/hg19.fasta -B:dbsnp,VCF dbsnp_132_b37.leftAligned.vcf --intervals hgTables_exons_plus_50.bed -B:cosmic,VCF hg19_cosmic_v54_120711.vcf --input_file:normal /data/patient/GatkSomaticIndelDetector/picard_s-fibros_converted_sorted.bam --input_file:tumor /data/patient/GatkSomaticIndelDetector/picard_s-296_converted_sorted.bam --out /data/patient/example_MuTect.call_stats.txt --coverage_file /data/patient/example_MuTect.coverage.wig.txt --fraction_contamination 0
contig position ref_allele alt_allele score dbsnp_site covered power tumor_power normal_power total_pairs improper_pairs map_Q0_reads t_lod_fstar tumor_f contaminant_fraction contaminant_lod t_ref_count t_alt_count t_ref_sum t_alt_sum t_ins_count t_del_count normal_best_gt init_n_lod n_ref_count n_alt_count n_ref_sum n_alt_sum judgement
chr1 9097687 C A 0 NOVEL COVERED 1 1 1 480 3 0 6.992835 0.016484 0 0 179 3 6856 122 0 0 CC 75.275321 263 1 10049 37 KEEP
chr1 9097687 C A 0 NOVEL COVERED 1 1 1 480 3 0 6.992835 0.016484 0 0 179 3 6856 122 0 0 CC 75.275321 263 1 10049 37 KEEP
Then, I added the parameters:
--fraction_contamination 0.02 --min_qscore 20 --clipping_bias_pvalue_threshold 0.05

About the parameters:
The --clipping_bias_pvalue_threshold parameter fixes a threshold for the FET. That's a pity that the p-value is not provided because it is important to adjust it; I will have to perform the FET by myself in order to be able to adjust the test...
I haven't found a parameter for filtering on the coverage. I don't want to keep variants with less than 10 reads in one of the 2 samples. Of course, I can do it by myself, but it could be implemented... Maybe I haven't found it in the parameters' list.
I would like to ask the users of Mutect to share their experience and tell us which parameters they used. There is a list of 40/50 parameters and I would appreciate feedbacks on some of them

Thank you,