I am working at a lab for the next several weeks, and as I have strong experience in the computer side of things, I wanted to develop a tool that would be useful. My initial idea is to compile various tools such as Trimmomatic, tophat, bowtie2, cufflinks, samtools, prinseq-lite, and prinseq-graph to make a sort of "one-stop shop" script for those assembling and visually representing a paired end FastQ file. I had issues learning about how these tools fit together, and figured that this script might help do so. I've attached it below, but it's very dysfunctional as it's not nearly finished. However, it gives you an idea of what it does. I'm not quite sure if this niche is already covered by another (GPL) tool? Do any of you have an idea for something that is greatly needed and would hopefully prove very helpful in this community?
I am working at a lab for the next several weeks, and as I have strong experience in the computer side of things, I wanted to develop a tool that would be useful. My initial idea is to compile various tools such as Trimmomatic, tophat, bowtie2, cufflinks, samtools, prinseq-lite, and prinseq-graph to make a sort of "one-stop shop" script for those assembling and visually representing a paired end FastQ file. I had issues learning about how these tools fit together, and figured that this script might help do so. I've attached it below, but it's very dysfunctional as it's not nearly finished. However, it gives you an idea of what it does. I'm not quite sure if this niche is already covered by another (GPL) tool? Do any of you have an idea for something that is greatly needed and would hopefully prove very helpful in this community?
#!/bin/bash ############################ # TITLE clear echo "FastQ Paired/Single End Sequence Analyzer" echo "Licensed under GPL" echo # GET MAIN INFORMATION echo -n "Enter path of first FastQ file (without extension): " read -e FASTQ1 echo -n "Enter path of second FastQ file (without extension): " read -e FASTQ2 echo ../$FASTQ1=FASTQ_DIR echo -n "Enter path of desired paired read 1 file: " read -e P_R1 echo -n "Enter path of desired UNpaired read 1 file: " read -e U_R1 echo -n "Enter path of desired paired read 2 file: " read -e P_R2 echo -n "Enter path of desired UNpaired read 2 file: " read -e U_R2 echo -n "Enter path of desired trim log: " read -e TRIM_LOG echo -n "Enter number of threads to be used: " read -e THREADS # QUALITY MENU PS3='Pick a quality scale: ' phred_options=("phred33" "phred64") select PHRED_CHOICE in "${phred_options[@]}" do case $PHRED_CHOICE in "phred33") PHRED=phred33 break ;; "phred64") PHRED=phred64 break ;; esac done ################################# # MAIN ACTION MENU FROM TRIMMOMATIC PS3='Pick a step: ' select TRIM_CHOICE in ILLUMINACLIP SLIDINGWINDOW LEADING TRAILING CROP HEADCROP MINLENGTH TOPHRED33 TOPHRED64 SKIP/CONTINUE do case "$TRIM_CHOICE" in "ILLUMINACLIP") echo "Starting" echo -n "If desired, enter manual flags to be used: " read -e TRIM_FLAGS java -classpath trimmomatic.jar org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE $TRIM_FLAGS -threads $THREADS $PHRED -trimlog $TRIM_LOG $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq $P_R1 $U_R1 $P_R2 $U_R2 ILLUMINACLIP ;; "SLIDINGWINDOW") echo -n "Specify window size (number of bases to average across): " read -e SLIDINGWINDOW_WINDOW echo -n "Specify required quality: " read -e SLIDINGWINDOW_QUALITY echo -n "If desired, enter manual flags to be used: " read -e TRIM_FLAGS echo "Starting..." java -classpath trimmomatic.jar org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE $TRIM_FLAGS -threads $THREADS -$PHRED -trimlog $TRIM_LOG $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq $P_R1 $U_R1 $P_R2 $U_R2 SLIDINGWINDOW:$SLIDINGWINDOW_WINDOW:$SLIDINGWINDOW_QUALITY ;; "LEADING") echo -n "Specify min quality: " read -e LEADING_VALUE echo -n "If desired, enter manual flags to be used: " read -e TRIM_FLAGS echo "Starting..." java -classpath trimmomatic.jar org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE $TRIM_FLAGS -threads $THREADS -$PHRED -trimlog $TRIM_LOG $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq $P_R1 $U_R1 $P_R2 $U_R2 LEADING:$LEADING_VALUE ;; "TRAILING") echo -n "Specify min quality" read -e TRAILING_VALUE echo -n "If desired, enter manual flags to be used: " read -e TRIM_FLAGS echo "Starting" java -classpath trimmomatic.jar org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE $TRIM_FLAGS -threads $THREADS -$PHRED -trimlog $TRIM_LOG $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq $P_R1 $U_R1 $P_R2 $U_R2 TRAILING:$TRAILING_VALUE ;; "CROP") echo -n "Specify number of bases to keep (from start of read): " read -e CROP_VALUE echo -n "If desired, enter manual flags to be used: " read -e TRIM_FLAGS echo "Starting..." java -classpath trimmomatic.jar org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE $TRIM_FLAGS -threads $THREADS -$PHRED -trimlog $TRIM_LOG $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq $P_R1 $U_R1 $P_R2 $U_R2 CROP:$CROP_VALUE ;; "HEADCROP") echo -n "Specify number of bases to remove (from start of read): " read -e HEADCROP_VALUE echo -n "If desired, enter manual flags to be used: " read -e TRIM_FLAGS echo "Starting..." java -classpath trimmomatic.jar org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE $TRIM_FLAGS -threads $THREADS -$PHRED -trimlog $TRIM_LOG $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq $P_R1 $U_R1 $P_R2 $U_R2 HEADCROP:$HEADCROP_VALUE ;; "MINLENGTH") echo -n "Specify min length of reads to be kept: " read -e MINLENGTH_VALUE echo -n "If desired, enter manual flags to be used: " read -e TRIM_FLAGS echo "Starting..." java -classpath trimmomatic.jar org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE $TRIM_FLAGS -threads $THREADS -$PHRED -trimlog $TRIM_LOG $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq $P_R1 $U_R1 $P_R2 $U_R2 MINLENGTH:$MINLENGTH_VALUE ;; "TOPHRED33") echo "Starting..." echo -n "If desired, enter manual flags to be used: " read -e TRIM_FLAGS java -classpath trimmomatic.jar org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE $TRIM_FLAGS -threads $THREADS -$PHRED -trimlog $TRIM_LOG $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq $P_R1 $U_R1 $P_R2 $U_R2 TOPHRED33 ;; "TOPHRED64") echo "Starting..." echo -n "If desired, enter manual flags to be used: " read -e TRIM_FLAGS java -classpath trimmomatic.jar org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE $TRIM_FLAGS -threads $THREADS -$PHRED -trimlog $TRIM_LOG $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq $P_R1 $U_R1 $P_R2 $U_R2 TOPHRED64 ;; "GENERATE VISUAL REPORT") echo "Visual report will now be generated..." PS3='Pick a tool: ' phred_options=("prinseq-lite, prinseq-graphs" "fastqc") select VISUAL_CHOICE in "${visual_options[@]}" do case $VISUAL_CHOICE in "prinseq-lite, prinseq-graphs") echo "Generating graph file..." prinseq-lite -fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq -out_format 4 -graph_data fastq1.gd prinseq-lite -fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq -out_format 4 -graph_data fastq2.gd echo "Generating html report..." mkdir read1_report mkdir read2_report cd read1_report prinseq-graphs ../fastq1.gd -html_all cd ../read2_report prinseq-graphs ../fastq2.gd -html_all break ;; "fastqc" fastqc $P_R1 $P_R2 echo -n "Type command for web browser to view html results in: " read -e BROWSER $BROWSER $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1"_fastqc"/fastqc_report.html $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2"_fastqc"/fastqc_report.html ;; esac done ;; "SKIP/CONTINUE") echo "Continuing..." break ;; esac done ############################## # BOWTIE AND TOPHAT echo -n "Enter path to reference FastA for index build: " read -e "REF_PATH" echo -n "If desired, enter manual flags to be used by tophat: " read -e TOPHAT_FLAGS bowtie/bowtie2-build $REF_PATH $TOPHAT_PATH $TOPHAT_FLAGS $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ1.fastq $FASTQ_DIR/$FASTQ2.fastq tophat_out/accepted_hits.bam=$ACC_HITS samtools build $ACC_HITS # TABLET tablet $REF_PATH $ACC_HITS