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  • Picard Markduplicates - High number of unmatched pairs :(

    Hi everyone

    I've run into a predicament lately, which I'm hoping to gather advice on. We've done paired end illumina whole genome sequencing on a human sample.

    I have 4 lanes of data for a sample, and 2 fastq files per lane (reads1fastq and reads2fastq) of which I split into 8-9 files of 10million reads each. When splitting the files, I made sure to split by 10million*4 lines, and the script I wrote compares the first line of each split reads1 fastq file to it's corresponding split reads2 fastq file. I then align each fastq file with BWA (trimming reads down with the parameter q=30) to create a .sai file and then generate alignments/bam files for each pair of split reads1/reads2 files. I then sort and index the small bam files and then merge them into one large bam file - of which I'm trying to run markduplicates on.

    One thing I've noticed is markduplicates is telling me I have a ridiculously high number of unmatched pairs. I ran markduplicates on the smaller bam files too, and the same is true. For example, for one of the smaller bam files:

    INFO 2012-07-19 13:20:48 MarkDuplicates Read 37393628 records. 28252673 pairs never matched.

    Now I'm relatively new to this whole NGS world of data analysis, but I can't imagine having such a high number of unmatched pairs is a good thing.

    Does anyone have any advice, or has encountered a similar problem? I'm wondering if I did something wrong with splitting and trimming/aligning split fastq files?

    I should note that this DNA was extracted from FFPE tissue so it will be of lower quality than the DNA you guys are used to working with. But I want to make sure this is not a technical error on my part before blaming DNA quality.


  • #2
    Did you let BWA align them as paired-reads?
    Or did you align each of the mates separately?


    • #3
      I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?
      Will I have the same result when I align 1 big file and split it, align the split files and merge them ?


      • #4
        I have the same problem, too.
        It is a problem with picard MarkDuplicates, though, because when I run samtools flagstat the pairs appear properly matched. Did you find a solution?


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