Hello! I am new in this research region. I try to use breakdancer to detect the SVs. I process the following steps:
1. I wrote a program to simulatively generate pair-end reads. There are two files named reads_out1.fq and reads_out2.fq.
2. I used bwa to generate sam file, the command is:
/home/shixy/tools/bwa-0.6.2/bwa index -a bwtsw $PATH_P/hs.fa
/home/shixy/tools/bwa-0.6.2/bwa aln -t 16 $PATH_P/hs.fa $PATH_P/reads_out1.fq > $PATH_P/anl_sa_1.sai
/home/shixy/tools/bwa-0.6.2/bwa aln -t 16 $PATH_P/hs.fa $PATH_P/reads_out2.fq > $PATH_P/anl_sa_2.sai
/home/shixy/tools/bwa-0.6.2/bwa sampe -r '@RG\tID:ga\tSM:hs\tLB:ga\tPL:Illumina\tPI:200' $PATH_P/hs.fa $PATH_P/anl_sa_1.sai $PATH_P/anl_sa_2.sai $PATH_P/reads_out1.fq $PATH_P/reads_out2.fq > $PATH_P/sampleC.sam
/home/shixy/tools/samtools/samtools view -bS $PATH_P/sampleC.sam > $PATH_P/sampleC.bam
/home/shixy/tools/samtools/samtools sort $PATH_P/sampleC.bam $PATH_P/sampleC_sort
/home/shixy/tools/samtools/samtools index $PATH_P/sampleC_sort.bam
3. I use command 'perl bam2cfg.pl sampleC_sort.bam > config.cfg' to generate the config file. This step ran successfully, and the result is:
'readgroup:ga platform:Illumina map:/home/shixy/data/human/chromx/2012_09_01/sampleC_sort.bam readlen:36.00 lib:ga num:9998 lower:4.54 upper:491.60 mean:205.02 std:60.46 SWnormality:-44.88 exe:samtools view'
4. Then I use command 'breakdancer_max confg.cfg > sampleC.ctx'. But I just got nothing but this:
#Software: BreakDancerMax-1.1r112
#Command: ./breakdancer_max config.cfg
#Library Statistics:
#/home/shixy/data/human/chromx/2012_09_01/sampleC_sort.bam mean:205.02 std:60.46 uppercutoff:491.6 lowercutoff:4.54 readlen:36 library:ga reflen:143733241 seqcov:23.4655 phycov:66.8181 2:85414
#Chr1 Pos1 Orientation1 Chr2 Pos2 Orientation2 Type Size Score num_Reads num_Reads_lib xxx_sort.bam
Could you give me some advice! Please help me! It's really hard to me.
Thanks a lot!
1. I wrote a program to simulatively generate pair-end reads. There are two files named reads_out1.fq and reads_out2.fq.
2. I used bwa to generate sam file, the command is:
/home/shixy/tools/bwa-0.6.2/bwa index -a bwtsw $PATH_P/hs.fa
/home/shixy/tools/bwa-0.6.2/bwa aln -t 16 $PATH_P/hs.fa $PATH_P/reads_out1.fq > $PATH_P/anl_sa_1.sai
/home/shixy/tools/bwa-0.6.2/bwa aln -t 16 $PATH_P/hs.fa $PATH_P/reads_out2.fq > $PATH_P/anl_sa_2.sai
/home/shixy/tools/bwa-0.6.2/bwa sampe -r '@RG\tID:ga\tSM:hs\tLB:ga\tPL:Illumina\tPI:200' $PATH_P/hs.fa $PATH_P/anl_sa_1.sai $PATH_P/anl_sa_2.sai $PATH_P/reads_out1.fq $PATH_P/reads_out2.fq > $PATH_P/sampleC.sam
/home/shixy/tools/samtools/samtools view -bS $PATH_P/sampleC.sam > $PATH_P/sampleC.bam
/home/shixy/tools/samtools/samtools sort $PATH_P/sampleC.bam $PATH_P/sampleC_sort
/home/shixy/tools/samtools/samtools index $PATH_P/sampleC_sort.bam
3. I use command 'perl bam2cfg.pl sampleC_sort.bam > config.cfg' to generate the config file. This step ran successfully, and the result is:
'readgroup:ga platform:Illumina map:/home/shixy/data/human/chromx/2012_09_01/sampleC_sort.bam readlen:36.00 lib:ga num:9998 lower:4.54 upper:491.60 mean:205.02 std:60.46 SWnormality:-44.88 exe:samtools view'
4. Then I use command 'breakdancer_max confg.cfg > sampleC.ctx'. But I just got nothing but this:
#Software: BreakDancerMax-1.1r112
#Command: ./breakdancer_max config.cfg
#Library Statistics:
#/home/shixy/data/human/chromx/2012_09_01/sampleC_sort.bam mean:205.02 std:60.46 uppercutoff:491.6 lowercutoff:4.54 readlen:36 library:ga reflen:143733241 seqcov:23.4655 phycov:66.8181 2:85414
#Chr1 Pos1 Orientation1 Chr2 Pos2 Orientation2 Type Size Score num_Reads num_Reads_lib xxx_sort.bam
Could you give me some advice! Please help me! It's really hard to me.
Thanks a lot!