Hi, I have two bam files from one case and one control. They were both mapped with bwa. In their bam files, their readgroup tags are with different sample ID (SM), but with the same library ID (LB).
The 2 bam files were then merged as a single multi-sample bam, and used GATK to call variants for the two samples with the multi-sample bam. I am just a bit unsure, if the two samples are with the same LB id... will this affect variant calls? all the caller can distinguish them by their different sample IDs?
Thank you very much for your kind guidance!
The 2 bam files were then merged as a single multi-sample bam, and used GATK to call variants for the two samples with the multi-sample bam. I am just a bit unsure, if the two samples are with the same LB id... will this affect variant calls? all the caller can distinguish them by their different sample IDs?
Thank you very much for your kind guidance!