Coming into work today code that was working all last week now is giving problems. I have fastq files, i align them using bwa aln then create sam files using the following:
~/bwa-0.5.9/bwa sampe -r ~/resources/genomes/ucsc.hg19.fasta @saiA[$i] @saiB[$i] @fastqA[$i] @fastqB[$i] > @saiA[$i].sam
I get the error
[bwa_sai2sam_pe] malformated @RG line
Any ideas why this would be happening?
~/bwa-0.5.9/bwa sampe -r ~/resources/genomes/ucsc.hg19.fasta @saiA[$i] @saiB[$i] @fastqA[$i] @fastqB[$i] > @saiA[$i].sam
I get the error
[bwa_sai2sam_pe] malformated @RG line
Any ideas why this would be happening?