Greetings, I have just recently received a HiSeq Illumina run (paired end, 72bp) of several genomes and metagenomes.
I am currently trying to retrieve quality stat info for the demultiplexed samples after combining the two paired end .fastq files using When using fastx_quality_stats on the resulting combined file, i receive the following error:
fastx_quality_stats: Invalid input: expecting FASTQ prefix character '@' on line 5. Is this a valid FASTQ file?
I went back and tried using fastx_quality_stats on both of the paired end samples independently, and it worked just fine.
Just curious if anyone else has run into a similar problem with trying to combine paired end sequence data, and if they would be willing to offer advice or a solution. It am fairly certain the combination step is the portion of the process that is introducing the problem. was downloaded from the following website:
Although i am fairly certain this is a part of the velvet package as well.
I am currently trying to retrieve quality stat info for the demultiplexed samples after combining the two paired end .fastq files using When using fastx_quality_stats on the resulting combined file, i receive the following error:
fastx_quality_stats: Invalid input: expecting FASTQ prefix character '@' on line 5. Is this a valid FASTQ file?
I went back and tried using fastx_quality_stats on both of the paired end samples independently, and it worked just fine.
Just curious if anyone else has run into a similar problem with trying to combine paired end sequence data, and if they would be willing to offer advice or a solution. It am fairly certain the combination step is the portion of the process that is introducing the problem. was downloaded from the following website:
Although i am fairly certain this is a part of the velvet package as well.