hi everyone,
i have one file of transposons element file in that file 4 column are present in that file chr. no., start, end and notification indicating by Y and N if that is Y it means that is TE else non-TE.
i want to calculate for a particular window like 0-100000 how many base pairs are present in that window.
Chr.no. start end notification
Chr1 44595 47526 Y
Chr1 47856 53412 Y
Chr1 95499 98558 Y
Chr1 99171 100681 N
Chr1 105872 106534 Y
Chr1 108618 114983 N
Chr1 118081 120671 Y
Chr1 121302 127457 Y
Chr1 128897 133559 N
i need output like
(chr.no.) (bin_size) (total_bp_where_notification_N) (total_bp_where_notification_Y)
chr.1 0-10000 0 0
chr.1 10001-20000 0 0
chr.1 20001-30000
chr.1 30001-40000
chr1 40001-50000
chr2. 0-10000
But the condition is if one id's start is 90000 and end is 110000 then 10000 bp will go in 0-100000 and rest 10000 bp will go in 100001-200000 window.
i have one file of transposons element file in that file 4 column are present in that file chr. no., start, end and notification indicating by Y and N if that is Y it means that is TE else non-TE.
i want to calculate for a particular window like 0-100000 how many base pairs are present in that window.
Chr.no. start end notification
Chr1 44595 47526 Y
Chr1 47856 53412 Y
Chr1 95499 98558 Y
Chr1 99171 100681 N
Chr1 105872 106534 Y
Chr1 108618 114983 N
Chr1 118081 120671 Y
Chr1 121302 127457 Y
Chr1 128897 133559 N
i need output like
(chr.no.) (bin_size) (total_bp_where_notification_N) (total_bp_where_notification_Y)
chr.1 0-10000 0 0
chr.1 10001-20000 0 0
chr.1 20001-30000
chr.1 30001-40000
chr1 40001-50000
chr2. 0-10000
But the condition is if one id's start is 90000 and end is 110000 then 10000 bp will go in 0-100000 and rest 10000 bp will go in 100001-200000 window.