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  • How exactly have you called the "results" function?

    In any case, the first line of the output of the results function indicates the exact comparison that is reported. Can you check whether this line was correct in your case?


    • Originally posted by Simon Anders View Post
      How exactly have you called the "results" function? In any case, the first line of the output of the results function indicates the exact comparison that is reported. Can you check whether this line was correct in your case?
      Oh, I see what the problem was. I have an R function that does the following:

      res <- results(ddsMatrix)
      resOrdered <- res[order(res$padj),]

      Thus I did not see the output you are talking about. Still though, maybe it's a good idea to print it along with messages "estimating size factors" etc?

      At any rate, thank you for your reply!


      • We cannot print it during model fitting, because we fit a model without knowing what comparison will be made. Will it be B vs A? Or C vs B? Or all the interaction terms together as a likelihood ratio test? This is why it is printed when you print the results object to the console, and the information is also stored as metadata columns:


        Check the DESeq2 vignette section on factor levels, which addresses your question.

        R's factor function chooses a level ordering alphabetically unless you specify a meaningful order.


        • I see. I'll just add that call to my script then, should be enough. Thank you!


          • Hi again,

            I'm using the LRT with DESeq2 as follows.

            > design(dds)
            ~batch + stage
            > dds < - DESeq(dds, test = "LRT", reduced = ~ batch)
            I see that I can access the calculated deviance for each gene:

            > mcols(mcols(dds), use.names=TRUE)[c(20,25),]
            DataFrame with 2 rows and 2 columns
                                type                                   description
                         <character>                                   <character>
            LRTStatistic     results LRT statistic: '~ batch + stage' vs '~ batch'
            deviance         results                    deviance of the full model
            Just so I can illustrate to some colleagues what I'm doing using some actual data, I'm wondering, for a given gene, if it's possible to retrieve the expression values predicted by the full and reduced models from dds after running the LRT?




            • The fitted means, mu_ij in the paper, for the full model are in assays(dds)[["mu"]]. Not that these include the size factor scaling, so you would have to divide those out to get the q_ij in the paper. See the formula in the vignette or paper for more details.

              We don't store the reduced design fitted means, but you can generate these easily by running the GLM without a log fold change prior:

              dds.reduced <- dds
              design(dds.reduced) <- ~ batch
              dds.reduced <- nbinomWaldTest(dds.reduced, betaPrior=FALSE)


              • Perfect, thanks.


                • Hi,

                  I have recently have changed from DESeq to DESeq2. So I need some help in designing my contrast for the binomial tests. This is my design table:

                  sample	tissue	gut_microbiota
                  1	5231	Si5	GF
                  2	5231	PC	GF
                  3	5231	liver	GF
                  4	5232	Si5	GF
                  5	5232	PC	GF
                  6	5232	liver	GF
                  7	5233	Si5	GF
                  8	5233	PC	GF
                  9	5233	liver	GF
                  10	5234	Si5	GF
                  11	5234	PC	GF
                  12	5234	liver	GF
                  13	5161	Si5	mono
                  14	5161	PC	mono
                  15	5161	liver	mono
                  16	5162	Si5	mono
                  17	5162	PC	mono
                  18	5162	liver	mono
                  19	5163	Si5	mono
                  20	5163	PC	mono
                  21	5163	liver	mono
                  22	5164	Si5	prevExci
                  23	5164	PC	prevExci
                  24	5164	liver	prevExci
                  25	5164	liver	prevExci
                  26	5165	Si5	prevExci
                  27	5165	PC	prevExci
                  28	5165	liver	prevExci
                  29	5166	Si5	prevExci
                  30	5166	PC	prevExci
                  31	5166	liver	prevExci
                  32	5167	Si5	prev
                  33	5167	PC	prev
                  34	5167	liver	prev
                  35	5168	Si5	prev
                  36	5168	PC	prev
                  37	5168	liver	prev
                  38	5169	Si5	prev
                  39	5169	PC	prev
                  40	5169	liver	prev
                  41	5170	Si5	prev
                  42	5170	PC	prev
                  43	5170	liver	prev
                  44	5171	Si5	mono
                  45	5171	PC	mono
                  46	5171	liver	mono
                  47	5172	Si5	mono
                  48	5172	PC	mono
                  49	5172	liver	mono
                  50	5173	Si5	mono
                  51	5173	PC	mono
                  52	5173	liver	mono
                  53	5174	Si5	prev
                  54	5174	PC	prev
                  55	5174	liver	prev
                  56	5175	Si5	prev
                  57	5175	PC	prev
                  58	5175	liver	prev
                  59	5176	Si5	prev
                  60	5176	PC	prev
                  61	5176	liver	prev
                  62	5177	Si5	prevMono
                  63	5177	PC	prevMono
                  64	5177	liver	prevMono
                  65	5178	Si5	prevMono
                  66	5178	PC	prevMono
                  67	5178	liver	prevMono
                  68	5179	Si5	prevMono
                  69	5179	PC	prevMono
                  and this is how I have designed my count data:
                  dds = DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable=sample_table, directory='~/htseq/', design= ~ tissue + gut_microbiota)

                  Now I would like to test if any gut_microbiota level has significant effects on any of my genes at each separate tissue; (i.e. running the test for each tissue separately). How should I design my contrast formula? and How I should specify specific tissue at each test?



                  • I ran a code like this (hope it is the correct one?!):

                    dds_LRT_liver <- nbinomLRT(dds[, dds$tissue=='liver'], full=~gut_microbiota, reduced=~1)
                    dds_LRT_PC <- nbinomLRT(dds[, dds$tissue=='PC'], full=~gut_microbiota, reduced=~1)
                    dds_LRT_Si5 <- nbinomLRT(dds[, dds$tissue=='Si5'], full=~gut_microbiota, reduced=~1)


                    • See:


                      Hi Michael,

                      Is the Cook's distance-based flagging of p-values performed when using a continuous variable?

                      I don't see how the condition:

                      "At least 3 replicates are required for flagging, as it is difficult to judge which sample
                      might be an outlier with only 2 replicates."

                      can realistically be met for continuous variables.

                      If that's the case, how can I remove genes that display such a behavior?
                      Please let me know if this needs clarification.

                      Last edited by enrico16; 06-02-2015, 07:00 AM.


                      • Hi,

                        I am not familiar with R but I used DESeq in the past following its vignette.
                        I can't understand how to use DESeq2. I tried to follow the section for HT-Seq input but then it switches to loading the Pasilla dataset.

                        Is there any tutorial anywhere showing clearly how to use DESeq2 with HTseq-count, like the DESeq vignette did? Please advise.


                        • The first step is the only step which matters how you generate the counts. This is the step when you build the DESeqDataSet. So you only need to follow the htseq steps up until DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(). After that, you have the DESeqDataSet, which you can save as "dds", and then you can follow the rest of the steps below. You can either follow this instruction in the vignette, or you can also read the help file for this particular function by typing ? and the function name into R and press enter:


                          Note that you can name the object however you like. To follow the rest of the workflow you can choose 'dds':

                          dds <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(...)

                          where you will fill in ... with the appropriate code from the vignette and help.


                          • Originally posted by Michael Love View Post
                            The first step is the only step which matters how you generate the counts. This is the step when you build the DESeqDataSet. So you only need to follow the htseq steps up until DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(). After that, you have the DESeqDataSet, which you can save as "dds", and then you can follow the rest of the steps below. You can either follow this instruction in the vignette, or you can also read the help file for this particular function by typing ? and the function name into R and press enter:


                            Note that you can name the object however you like. To follow the rest of the workflow you can choose 'dds':

                            dds <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(...)

                            where you will fill in ... with the appropriate code from the vignette and help.
                            Thanks for your reply, I'll try again.


                            • Hi all,

                              I'm doing single cell RNAseq on a heterogeneous population of cells & I would like to do DE analysis to identify different subpopulations. I plan on using the tophat/cufflinks/monocle pipeline since it was specifically designed for single cell data, but I would also like to apply a raw count method to verify the results. Can DESeq2 be used for DE analysis of single cell data? If so, how would I go about doing that and what would the output look like? I'm very new to bioinformatics so apologies if these are silly questions...

                              Thanks in advance!


                              • Hello

                                single cell data is very peculiar, and as a rule I'd say, no - you can not use regular methods for DE analysis of single-cell data. Look at SCDE by P. Kharchenko et. al:

                                Overall, people more often use PCA than DE with single-cell data. As you work with them some more, you probably will see why


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