I was using the following script to launch bowtie. I think it may be useful to others and so post it here. This wrapper script uses bowtie internally, but does a little bit more things which are at least convenient to me:
1) Take gzip'ed fastq files as input. (Most fastq files are compressed)
2) For paired-end reads, align singletons in bowtie's single-end mode. (This saves a bowtie command line typed by yourself)
3) Fix a minor problem in SAM out. (Names of two ends in a pair should be identical; otherwise duplicate removal may have trouble)
4) More accurate (albeit slower) command line option: [--best --strata] -m 1. (Recommended by a users who uses bowtie a lot)
Please reply to this thread if you think the command line option is not appropriate, or the script is buggy/can be improved. Thanks.
1) Take gzip'ed fastq files as input. (Most fastq files are compressed)
2) For paired-end reads, align singletons in bowtie's single-end mode. (This saves a bowtie command line typed by yourself)
3) Fix a minor problem in SAM out. (Names of two ends in a pair should be identical; otherwise duplicate removal may have trouble)
4) More accurate (albeit slower) command line option: [--best --strata] -m 1. (Recommended by a users who uses bowtie a lot)
Please reply to this thread if you think the command line option is not appropriate, or the script is buggy/can be improved. Thanks.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Contact: lh3 # Last modified: 05NOV2009 use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw/getcwd abs_path/; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; die("Usage: run_bowtie.pl <bowtieIndex> <read1.fq> [read2.fq] [options] | gzip > aln.sam.gz\n") if (@ARGV < 2 || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ || $ARGV[1] =~ /^-/); my $idx = shift(@ARGV); my $rd1 = (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] !~ /^-/)? shift(@ARGV) : '-'; my $rd2 = (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] !~ /^-/)? shift(@ARGV) : ''; # set bowtie cmd options my $opt0 = join(" ", @ARGV); $opt0 =~ s/--maxins/-X/; $opt0 =~ s/--minins/-I/; $opt0 =~ s/--un \S+\b//; # locate bowtie my $bowtie = &gwhich('bowtie'); die("[run_bowtie] fail to find the bowtie executable.\n") unless ($bowtie); my ($fh1, $fh2); open($fh1, ($rd1 =~ /\.gz$/)? "gzip -dc $rd1 |" : $rd1) || die; if ($rd2) { open($fh2, ($rd2 =~ /\.gz$/)? "gzip -dc $rd2 |" : $rd2) || die; } if ($fh2) { # paired-end mode my ($fh, $fn_ump, @col); if ($opt0 !~ /-X/) { warn("[run_bowtie] the maximum insert size is set as the default value (250).\n"); } (undef, $fn_ump) = tempfile("./rb-$$-XXXXXX"); open($fh, qq/| $bowtie $opt0 -S -m 1 $idx --12 -/ . q/ | awk '{if($3!="*"||$12!="XM:i:0")print;else print $1"\t"$10"\t"$11>/ . qq/"$fn_ump"}'/ . q{ | perl -pe 's/^(\S+)\/[12]\t/$1\t/'}) || die; while (<$fh1>) { $col[0] = $1 if (/^@(\S+)/); $col[1] = <$fh1>; chomp($col[1]); <$fh1>; $col[2] = <$fh1>; chomp($col[2]); <$fh2>; $col[3] = <$fh2>; chomp($col[3]); <$fh2>; $col[4] = <$fh2>; chomp($col[4]); print $fh join("\t", @col), "\n"; } close($fh); close($fh1); close($fh2); # map singletons my $opt_se = $opt0; $opt_se =~ s/-X\s*\d+//; $opt_se =~ s/-I\s*\d+//; system(qq/$bowtie $opt_se -S -m 1 --best --strata --sam-nohead $idx --12 $fn_ump | awk '\$3!="*"||\$12!="XM:i:0"'/); unlink($fn_ump); } else { # single-end mode my ($fh, @col); open($fh, qq/| $bowtie $opt0 -S -m 1 --best --strata $idx --12 - | awk '\$3!="*"||\$12!="XM:i:0"'/) || die; while (<$fh1>) { $col[0] = $1 if (/^@(\S+)/); $col[1] = <$fh1>; chomp($col[1]); <$fh1>; $col[2] = <$fh1>; chomp($col[2]); print $fh join("\t", @col), "\n"; } close($fh); close($fh1); } # routines to locate an executable sub dirname { my $prog = shift; my $cwd = getcwd; return $cwd if ($prog !~ /\//); $prog =~ s/\/[^\s\/]+$//g; return $prog; } sub which { my $file = shift; my $path = (@_)? shift : $ENV{PATH}; return if (!defined($path)); foreach my $x (split(":", $path)) { $x =~ s/\/$//; return "$x/$file" if (-x "$x/$file" && -f "$x/$file"); } return; } sub gwhich { my $progname = shift; my $dirname = &dirname($0); my $tmp; chomp($dirname); if (-x $progname && -f $progname) { return abs_path($progname); } elsif (defined($dirname) && (-x "$dirname/$progname" && -f "$dirname/$progname")) { return abs_path("$dirname/$progname"); } elsif (($tmp = &which($progname))) { # on the $PATH return $tmp; } else { warn("[gwhich] fail to find executable $progname.\n"); return; } }