I feel stupid about this as long as I cannot believe that nobody has met this problem until now. I'm trying to compile bowtie 1.0.0 from source on a "vanilla linux" with gcc and I am encountering strange problems.
First error reported by make:
Then I tried to install the seqan development libraries on my pc (the seqan-dev debian package) but I encontered some conflict resolution problems about C++ templates further on while compiling.
Puzzled enough reading around I then found out that bowtie got into its source zip file SeqAn1.1 libraries some times ago but that those files are missing in the 1.0.0 zip...getting the SeqAn1.1 directory from the 0.12.6 bowtie zip I was able to compile bowtie successfully...but I'm wondering if I'm the only one that faced this problem after trying to compile bowtie1.0.0 (I am aware of the existence of bowtie2 and the binary packages...I just need to be able to compile from source bowtie1 and I would like to understand what I am supposed to do with SeqAn).
First error reported by make:
ebwt_build.cpp:5:25: fatal error: seqan/index.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
Puzzled enough reading around I then found out that bowtie got into its source zip file SeqAn1.1 libraries some times ago but that those files are missing in the 1.0.0 zip...getting the SeqAn1.1 directory from the 0.12.6 bowtie zip I was able to compile bowtie successfully...but I'm wondering if I'm the only one that faced this problem after trying to compile bowtie1.0.0 (I am aware of the existence of bowtie2 and the binary packages...I just need to be able to compile from source bowtie1 and I would like to understand what I am supposed to do with SeqAn).