Hi all,
I am trying to run coverageBed from Bedtools in a cluster.
I connected to the cluster using the following parameters:
qrsh -l mem_free=10G,h_vmem=12G,h_stack=256M
Following is the command I ran:
coverageBed -a BED_Files/chip.bed -b hg18_chromInfo.txt | sortBed -i stdin > new/chip.coverage
where, hg18_chromInfo.txt is the file defining the bins/windows in which the sequencing coverage has to be summarized.
I get the following error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): St9bad_alloc
/local/gcc-4.1.2/install/shortread/bin/coverageBed: line 2: 1221 Aborted ${0%/*}/bedtools coverage "$@"
I have no idea what the error means. Could someone please help troubleshooting. I tried googlins and seems that this error is not a specific instance of Bedtools error.
Thanks for your time.
I am trying to run coverageBed from Bedtools in a cluster.
I connected to the cluster using the following parameters:
qrsh -l mem_free=10G,h_vmem=12G,h_stack=256M
Following is the command I ran:
coverageBed -a BED_Files/chip.bed -b hg18_chromInfo.txt | sortBed -i stdin > new/chip.coverage
where, hg18_chromInfo.txt is the file defining the bins/windows in which the sequencing coverage has to be summarized.
I get the following error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): St9bad_alloc
/local/gcc-4.1.2/install/shortread/bin/coverageBed: line 2: 1221 Aborted ${0%/*}/bedtools coverage "$@"
I have no idea what the error means. Could someone please help troubleshooting. I tried googlins and seems that this error is not a specific instance of Bedtools error.
Thanks for your time.