I'm using DESeq for the first time and at the step of variance estimation i'm obtaining very different plots from the manual and i have no idea about how to interpretate them.
My data are: 2 different conditions with 2 replicates each
My size factors are:
If i run:
my dispersion plot looks like:
plotDispEsts_fitInfo(cds,name=SP).jpeg (see attach.)
Doing the same by fitInfo(cds, name="EB"):
plotDispEsts_fitInfo(cds,name=EB).jpeg (see attach.)
And just running:
My dispersion plot is:
plotDispEsts_fitInfo(cds).jpeg (see attach.)
I need some help to interpretate the plots.
Can anyone?
Thanks in advanced!
I'm using DESeq for the first time and at the step of variance estimation i'm obtaining very different plots from the manual and i have no idea about how to interpretate them.
My data are: 2 different conditions with 2 replicates each
condition libType C4 SP paired-end CRL_2APR10 SP paired-end CRL_1_15JUL11 EB paired-end CRL_2_15JUL11 EB paired-end
'data.frame': 307048 obs. of 4 variables: $ C4 : int 5 7 0 2 3 0 0 0 3 0 ... $ CRL_2APR10 : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... $ CRL_1_15JUL11: int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 ... $ CRL_2_15JUL11: int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 ...
C4 CRL_2APR10 CRL_1_15JUL11 CRL_2_15JUL11 2.6549225 0.8623452 1.3987823 0.3507545
> cds <- estimateDispersions( cds, method="per-condition", + sharingMode="maximum", + fitType="local") > plotDispEsts <- function( cds ) + { + plot( + rowMeans( counts( cds, normalized=TRUE ) ), + fitInfo(cds, name="SP")$perGeneDispEsts, + pch = '.', log="xy" ) + xg <- 10^seq( -.5, 5, length.out=300 ) + lines( xg, fitInfo(cds, name="SP")$dispFun( xg ), col="red" ) + } > plotDispEsts(cds) Warning messages: 1: In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 115300 x values <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot 2: In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 30294 y values <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot
plotDispEsts_fitInfo(cds,name=SP).jpeg (see attach.)
Doing the same by fitInfo(cds, name="EB"):
plotDispEsts_fitInfo(cds,name=EB).jpeg (see attach.)
And just running:
> cds <- estimateDispersions( cds, + sharingMode="maximum", + fitType="local") > plotDispEsts <- function( cds ) + { + plot( + rowMeans( counts( cds, normalized=TRUE ) ), + fitInfo(cds)$perGeneDispEsts, + pch = '.', log="xy" ) + xg <- 10^seq( -.5, 5, length.out=300 ) + lines( xg, fitInfo(cds)$dispFun( xg ), col="red" ) + } > plotDispEsts(cds) Warning messages: 1: In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 115300 x values <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot 2: In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 28498 y values <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot
plotDispEsts_fitInfo(cds).jpeg (see attach.)
I need some help to interpretate the plots.
Can anyone?
Thanks in advanced!