Can anyone explain about the de Bruijn graph algorithms like how does it constructs the contigs from short read sequences? What i understood is that it constructs contigs basing on number of times the short reads ending with A,G,T,C . For instance , if a short read ending with A nucleotides are higher than the other short reads then it joins to the existing short read. This is how it constructs the contigs? Does ,this explaination is correct?
Thanks in Advance!
Can anyone explain about the de Bruijn graph algorithms like how does it constructs the contigs from short read sequences? What i understood is that it constructs contigs basing on number of times the short reads ending with A,G,T,C . For instance , if a short read ending with A nucleotides are higher than the other short reads then it joins to the existing short read. This is how it constructs the contigs? Does ,this explaination is correct?
Thanks in Advance!