The command "bfast index" requires the three parameters -f (input file), -m (mask or spaced seed), and -w (hash width or index's index). For finding a value for -m, there is a separate program called "btestindexes". I'm not absolutely sure which options for btestindexes are required, but it looks like at least -a for an algorithm number, -r for a read length, -S for number of events to sample are required. I'll explain what I know so far.
There are two algorithms in btestindexes. These are selected by either a 0 or a 1 following -a.
Step 1: Finding a set of masks
This step is specified by -a 0. I think required options for this are -s for number of indexes to sample, -l for key size, -w for maximum key width, -n for maximum set size, and -t for accuracy percent threshold.
Step 2: Estimate mask accuracy
This step is specified by -a 1. Requirements for this step are -f for input file name and -I for maximum insertion length
Is there anyone who has built indexes with bfast or used btestindexes that can tell me what these parameters expect? More directly, what is expected for parameters -r, -S, -s, -l, -w, and -n?
There are two algorithms in btestindexes. These are selected by either a 0 or a 1 following -a.
Step 1: Finding a set of masks
This step is specified by -a 0. I think required options for this are -s for number of indexes to sample, -l for key size, -w for maximum key width, -n for maximum set size, and -t for accuracy percent threshold.
Step 2: Estimate mask accuracy
This step is specified by -a 1. Requirements for this step are -f for input file name and -I for maximum insertion length
Is there anyone who has built indexes with bfast or used btestindexes that can tell me what these parameters expect? More directly, what is expected for parameters -r, -S, -s, -l, -w, and -n?