Would someone be so kind as to help me interpret this BCV plot (in somewhat laymans terms) generated from edgeR? It is based on RNA-seq data (expected counts from RSEM) from 2 samples and 1 control.
My take is that at low counts there is very high variability, but I can't tell if this is good or bad in terms for downstream analysis, as the plot is quite different from the ones in the edgeR manual, and there is a 'dip' at logCPM of around 1.
By the way, the CommonDispersion was:
Disp = 0.2688 , BCV = 0.5185
thank you
Would someone be so kind as to help me interpret this BCV plot (in somewhat laymans terms) generated from edgeR? It is based on RNA-seq data (expected counts from RSEM) from 2 samples and 1 control.
My take is that at low counts there is very high variability, but I can't tell if this is good or bad in terms for downstream analysis, as the plot is quite different from the ones in the edgeR manual, and there is a 'dip' at logCPM of around 1.
By the way, the CommonDispersion was:
Disp = 0.2688 , BCV = 0.5185
thank you