Hi everyone I am using Samtools pileup after doing a bwa-dbwtsw alignment. The output came in this way
Contig 884 T T 229 0 25 67 ....,,,,.,.,,.,,,.,,,,.,,....,,,.,..,.,,.
,.,..,....,,,..,,,,,,,..., =@@<EI???DE??F?=DA?FFFDDFDD?D?EEAF?@?D?F7??EFICIIEI@A@>DA@@@@@CF>;?
Correct me if i am mistaken, I guess 229 should be the score? What is the scoring system? How should I interpret this score?
Contig 884 T T 229 0 25 67 ....,,,,.,.,,.,,,.,,,,.,,....,,,.,..,.,,.
,.,..,....,,,..,,,,,,,..., =@@<EI???DE??F?=DA?FFFDDFDD?D?EEAF?@?D?F7??EFICIIEI@A@>DA@@@@@CF>;?
Correct me if i am mistaken, I guess 229 should be the score? What is the scoring system? How should I interpret this score?