I am trying to figure out the variant statistics from a vcf file using the command:
For which I am getting the following output:
Can somebody please help me regarding this? I am new to this field
Thank you!
./vcf-stats NA11881roi_variants.vcf
The version "4.1" not supported, assuming VCFv4.0 Expected GT as the first genotype field at chr4:46036725 Use of uninitialized value $gtype in pattern match (m//) at /N/dc/scratch/bansalr/bowtie2-2.1.0/vcftools_0.1.4a/perl/Vcf.pm line 1060, <__ANONIO__> line 28. Use of uninitialized value $gtype in concatenation (.) or string at /N/dc/scratch/bansalr/bowtie2-2.1.0/vcftools_0.1.4a/perl/Vcf.pm line 1060, <__ANONIO__> line 28. Could not parse gtype string [] at /N/dc/scratch/bansalr/bowtie2-2.1.0/vcftools_0.1.4a/perl/Vcf.pm line 167, <__ANONIO__> line 28. Vcf::throw('Vcf4_0=HASH(0x260f630)', 'Could not parse gtype string []\x{a}') called at /N/dc/scratch/bansalr/bowtie2-2.1.0/vcftools_0.1.4a/perl/Vcf.pm line 1060 VcfReader::parse_alleles('Vcf4_0=HASH(0x260f630)', 'HASH(0x25221d8)', 'NA11881roi.sorted.bam') called at ./vcf-stats line 83 main::vcf_stats('HASH(0x2237de8)') called at ./vcf-stats line 9
Thank you!