II am interested in tumour-specific exome CNVs and am using VarScan2. I have finished a preliminary analysis but am stuck with the interpretation.
The output after CBS gives a variable called num.mark.
• What does marker mean here?
• Does it have any relationship to the baits in the capture kit? But then VarScan or CBS never asked for any bed files.
• Alternatively, is CBS comparing with a reference and detecting alternate alleles/SNPs and calling them as markers?
Any comments will be appreciated
The output after CBS gives a variable called num.mark.
• What does marker mean here?
• Does it have any relationship to the baits in the capture kit? But then VarScan or CBS never asked for any bed files.
• Alternatively, is CBS comparing with a reference and detecting alternate alleles/SNPs and calling them as markers?
Any comments will be appreciated